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That night, I'd planted a hunting camera at the warehouse where Harper was taken to. I needed to make sure nobody was going to die. I constantly checked my phone that day at school to see if anything changed. Nope. Only vans moving in and out. I went over to Lucas' locker that morning, "I parked your motorcycle outside your house on my way to school this morning, just letting you know.." I said to him, leaning against the locker. He scoffed, "Chasing your little Nancy Drew case?" He asked, sounding annoyed, "Dude, you've got to drop this. Harper is perfectly fine, probably just took a sick day. I would if some crazy highschool guy was following me home."

I looked at him, "Oh, you're going to dismiss this as just a sick day? I'm not kidding, Lucas! You're my best friend, you are supposed to be the only that won't think I'm insane!" I said to him, angrily. He sighed heavily, "Look, Jones. You are a great friend, but you need to get out of the light. That's something you'd see in a movie. I'm being a good friend by warning you, the entire school already knows about your endeavor because of Will. Your family is sending you a mental hospital!" He raised his voice.

I heard him, as I bit my lip, "No, they won't. Not when I show them, not when I show everyone!" I yelled, before running out of the hall and towards the room for my first class. This was so messed up. I got several stares in the hallway, some from people I actually new. 'What have I done?' I thought as I stood outside the boys' restroom. Across the hall, I saw Kenzie and Griffin talking, as I listened. Griffin caught my eye, and ran up to me. He roughly threw me into the bathroom, holding me by my throat against the wall, "What in hell do you think your doing? Telling the entire school about me?! About Harper?!" He yelled, as I felt the impact of his fist punching me. I glared at him, "The heat isn't only hitting you, okay?! Everyone thinks I'm a freaking physco!" I yelled at him, throwing him off of me with anger.

I watched his every move, making sure he didn't reveal some dangerous weapon he was going to try and kill me with. "You are nothing compared to me, Jones. You are the kid everyone ignores, a joke, a shadow~" he chided, holding the heartless glare as if it were keeping me from moving. "Me? I'm football captain, dating the Kenzie Smith. I am a rich kid, a popular guy, someone who if I died, we would skip school for a week." He hissed, "This is going to ruin me before it ruins you."

I saw his bloody fist raging towards me, as I ducked, out of cowardice. His fist hit the wall with a smash. I ran out of the bathroom, because I actually want to live. Running fast as my legs could take me, I heard Griffins right behind me. No..No. No. I kept running, eventually off of the premises. I slid behind a car in the parking lot, not hearing his footsteps anymore as I took a deep and shaky breath, trying to catch it. Getting back up, I ran home, and locked the door. Thank god my mom worked until 4:30 in a city an hour away.

I saw that the computer was on, as I walked over to it to turn it off. I sighed, going to unplug it, when I saw what was on the screen. It read:

Welcome to the CCA, a healthy and mind happy organization for mystical creatures. We cover all of their basic needs, as well as implanting our very own mental hospital inside. They will stay here with occasional visits and optional phone calls until one of our doctors finds they are ready to be released into the real world. Several sucessful mystical beings have graduated at our college, as well as our high school. Don't worry, your little one is in good hands. Price for enrollment is $53,046 in American dollars. Depending on the case, we will raise or lower the price. Schedule an over-the-phone appointment today!

I looked at the horror one last time. Not only was she sending me to a mental hospital, she was going into mountains of debt to do it...and when would they find me worthy to leave? When I died? When I kept scrolling, I found the man in the lab coat, with a bunch more just like him, as well as Griffin. This wasn't any mentally safe facility...this was a prison. I can't go here. I'd rather die than be forced into a life like that.

I turned the computer off, wondering how I was going to tell my mom what that really was without her thinking I was crazy. I'm not crazy, I know I'm not.

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