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Okay, okay, okay. I know I sound like a completely bad person but I can explain. This isn't just a pity little sex trade or something like that. It's even shadier. I am Griffin Kennedy Meyers, son of Edward Meyers, the leader of an organisation called the CCA, (or creature capture association), but most mystical creatures call everyone who works under them "The Doctors". Our job is to rid the world of all mystical creatures, and keep them contained here in this enviorment for expirimentation and scientific purposes. Humans want to learn everything about our kind, and sometimes we end up killing them.

No, I don't agree with everything the CCA stands for, but it's my legacy. Harper was a mermaid we targetted for studying. We want to learn everything about half breed mermaids. See, we have plenty of normal mermaids, but Harper is able to have legs, and walk along the shore. That makes her special, alien, even. Yeah, Zero made me sound like this backstabbing twit, but that's only his side of the story.

I bet you're wondering why I'm not locked up in the facility, since I'm a vampire. I wasn't born this way, I was human until one night at age seven, I got mad at my parents so I 'ran away', as every teen drama watching seven year old would do, but this teenage vampire attacked me, and turned me into this twilight monster. It's such a freaking pain, too. Being a innocent human was so simple, my only cares in the world were my perfect grades, which I can't even keep up now.

I routinely placed the orange wristband on Harper's wrist, reading, '659'. That's how many creatures we have sucessfully captured. Not including the ones who have gotten away, but that is a very rare conincidence. "659 is scheduled for a DNA test in thirty minutes after 347 gets theirs done." My father said, walking off with his cliboard. His lab coat billowing behind him. Nodding, I looked at Harper, with wondering eyes. What was it like to be born with powers like hers? Was it natural? Like walking?

My eyes wouldn't remove themselves from her, until I heard something shuffling behind me. I turned around, whipping out my tranquilizer. I saw a tuft of white hair behind crates filled with the freeze dried food we feed the prisoners. This was going to be a fun little fight, "Zero Jones, what idiot comes to a abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere?" I asked, a smirk growing on my face. I watched Zero reveal himself, "Come on out, dance like a broadway star why don't 'cha?" I teased, walking up to him, switiching out the tranquilizer with a normal bullet. I watched him growl, then to my surprise, he turned into a wolf and tackled me to the floor. I felt his thick, black claws bursting into my flesh, blood running from the puncture. "You''re only a stupid mutt..." I laughed through the pain, before shooting him off of me.

I heard the hybrid whimper, as blood poured from his hipbone. Turning again, he seemed out of breath, "Huh, didn't figure you had such a good shot..knowing how you punch." I heard him hiss, my face getting hot. That was it. I was killing this blood sucker. I switched out the normal bullet with wolf bane, but once I shot he was smart enough to dodge it, "You're a f-ing physco, and now the entire world is going to know it!" He yelled, running out the front doors. That man has determination if I'd ever seen it.

I took my shirt off and pressed it against the places where his claws has opened my flesh. I went to leave the room, until I heard more shuffling. Not again. I turned around, but this time it wasn't Elsa. It was Harper waking up. I watched her eyes flicker to all corners of the room, before looking right at me, "Griffin? Griffin where am I? Why are you bleeding?"

Ugh, of course she was going to ask questions, "Plot twist, I'm the bad guy. Can I go now?" I asked her, but didn't care how she answered, because I was going to walk away anyways. When I didn't hear an answer, I walked into the long hallway, passing several metal doors and eventually into my father's office, labeled, "E. Meyers". Walking in, I found him on his computer, probably scouting where to attack next.

He looked up at me, "Good news, Griff. Turns out your little girlfriend is a demon." I listened to him, but was horrified at what he said next, "She will be the next target. She'd make a strong hunter, you think?" He asked me, as all I did was nod. Last time I agreed with him, he gave me a black eye and a sprained wrist.  I wasn't going to get too handsy this time.

This, my friends, is the secret business he never told me about my entire life. He was a man who worked in the black market, as well as the goverment at the same time. At least, it was government funded. The CCA, according to government officials, is a place to keep potentionally dangerous individuals and rehibilitate them without releasing them again.

For some reason, this didn't strike as odd to anybody. "Next week she is going to this party, I'm sure you'll hear all about it. I want you to try and drive her home while she's drunk, but take her here. The entire drive she won't even realise she's thirty minutes in the opposite direction. Any objections, boy?" He made it seem like I had a choice, but I knew there was no way he could do that, unless hell froze over.

"No sir." I stammered, "By the way, Harper Collins is awake and ready for the first test." I told him, before leaving the room, the only thought on my mind was how on earth are they going to get her to agree to this...

or what they will do.

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