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Before Griffin even told anybody, I was aware of this little, 'date' Harper and Griffin were supposed to be having. God, there are people in my life I could literally kill and have no secound thoughts on why or how I should go about it. Apparently they were meeting at the Holdsworth Cafe downtown, going to just make it nice and casual. Sounds like a incredibly boring thing to me.

The only thing keeping me from obliverating Griffin and blasting him on my instagram, was that I knew he still had feelings for me. I could see it everytime he looked at me. I was his one and only. Unless I called it off, he'd forever be in love. He was just trying to make me jealous, and it totally wasn't working.

Like who in their right minds would like a girl like Harper? She has boring stick straight brown hair, muddy eyes, and unhealthily pale skin. What was he thinking asking her out?Meanwhile, I am a beautiful latina girl with wavy dark brown hair, almond skin, and dazzling green eyes. What could he not want? I checked my phone, but still didn't have a single message. Why aren't guys ever on their phones? Like, I text them and they never can text me back. They act like they have a life. That's really funny.


I stayed in the front seat of my mom's car, as for some reason she wanted to pick me up today, "Hey..can we talk?" She asked. I popped the minty bubblegum in my mouth, "Knock yourself out." I mumbled, scrolling through my feed like the mindless teenager I am. "Your father wants to see you-" I heard her say, the caution on the word 'father' was something in our home that I could never get over. My dad is in jail for lighting up a building on fire, killing sixteen different individuals. The reason why is what really scares me. It was because I claimed this kid in fifth grade punched me, when that was only ten year old me over exaggerating. Turns out, Alex Martinez had a father who worked at a large office...the one my dad set on fire. He was a thriving businessmen, making 100,000 dollars a month. His job though, was a league of hitman. He owned the largest shady business in Tijuana, Mexico.

Eventually, he moved here to Cornerville with me and mama, but that died off quickly once the police found out everything this man hid.

and I was absolutely terrified of him.

"Okay...a-a jail visit?" I asked, looking my mom in the eyes. "Yes, mija, thats your father. There is no need to be afraid of him. He won't hurt you." She said, as I felt her red acrylics sift through my hair. I bit my lip, "Mama, you don't know that. Did you see what he did to Alex's dad?" I asked her, taking my eyes of my glitterised iphone.

"I did, I know what happened. He did that for you, you're his niñita." She said to me, before pulling into the prison, "Are you ready?" she asked, as if I had a choice, "Yes-" I mumbled, before being led in to the freezing prison of Cornerville. I pulled my fur coat over myself some more, keeping myself warm. After my mom had a conversation with the jailer, he led us to the cell where my dad laid.

He had the same dark brown hair as me, though it wasn't slicked back as usual. It was messy and untamed. He had dark circles around his eyes, and cuts on his warm brown face. I could only imagine what those were from. Once I caught his eye, he got up off of the creaky prison bed and towards the bars, "Hola, mi look so big." He said to me, smiling, "It's good to see familiar faces." He said to us both, until his eyes fixated on me, "I need to warn you about something, Kenzie. One of my former colleagues, The Doctors, are coming after you. I can't do anything about it this time. I need you to hide, and don't trust anybody." He hissed, in a threatening tone. I quivered, "Yes papa-" I said, looking at the ground, "I'm not joking, do not trust a soul." he snapped.

I nodded once more, "I understand." I mumbled. The jailer looked at the time, "Time's up." he called, and we made our way out, "Adios, Matías." I heard my mom say, as we walked off. I had so many questions. Who were the doctors? That did they want? I couldn't think about anything for the rest of the day.

At about 10:30 that night I got a call from Griffin:

"Hey." "Hey, Kenz."

"I'm sorry that I went out on that date without you, I really am. I shouldn't of gone with Harper. How about we go out tommorow? To make it up to you?" he asked me.

"Whatever. As long as you're paying. I just had to see my dad and need to stress eat." I responded, wiping my makeup off in my bathroom.

"It's a date, then."

I hung up on him, as I finished my nightly routine. Tommorow we had much fun it would be, right? I threw my hair into a messy bun, and crawled into bed. Tommorow was going to be so much fun.

Or that's what I thought...

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