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I played with my white hair, laying in my bed with all my homework laying out in front of me. Of course I was trying to Google the answers, who wouldn't? I had three pages of chem, two of english 1, and one from social studies. All just to see what I knew, but I'm going to be googling the entire semester so who cares?

Looking out my window, I noticed the rain stopped, and leaving behind this wonderful, stinky, misty humidity. Yay. I heard footsteps coming up to my room, as I peeked over my cell phone to see my mom, "Hey-- uh...what are you doing here?" I asked her, expecting her to be at work. She smiled, "I got off early..and if you are okay with it, I thought us three should have milkshake night. Like we used to, after dad left." She said to him, leaning in the doorway. Her wavy brown hair with streaks of gray made her seem elegant, almost royal-like. I smiled, "I'd like that. What'd Will say?" I wondered, putting my shoes on and turning off my phone.

She sighed, "Haven't asked him yet. I'll be just down the hall whenever you're ready, okay?" she told me, before I watched her go towards my brother's room just to the left of mine. I'm assuming he said yes, because next thing I knew, we were in the Holdsworth Cafe, drinking milkshakes.

"So, how was your first day at school, boys?" she asked. All I did was shrug, but of course Will had to one-up me, "Oh, it was absolutely wonderful. They had burritos at lunch today, then this Harper girl tried flirting with me, then I made like, ten new friends. It was pretty lit." He said, sipping his disgusting banana milkshake. I hate bananas. My mom seemed proud, beaming at her barney-haired son. I have no clue how Will goes to school with purple hair and none of the teachers get on to him for it, but when mine's white I get threatened to have a infraction. Double standards, Cornerville?

I blocked out the rest of their conversation, as I saw a man in a white lab coat walk in. He had thick, black rubber gloves and an eyepatch covering his right eye. There was no hair on his head, nor on his face. All he had was a stubble, but he still somehow looked terrifing. I got chills all over as I saw him get in a booth a little behind...Griffin and stalk- Harper?

Not taking my eyes off of him, I saw a small, black gun get pulled out from beneath his coat, and he for some reason filled it with a needlepoint syringe. What the-- I saw him aiming at Harper, as I stood up, "WATCH-" I yelled, trying to warn them, but I was too late. The syringe from the man's gun stabbed Harper right in the back, and after a few minutes, she had passed out.

'What was that?' I thought as I saw Harper getting dragged out. I didn't tell my family where I was going, but I was going to follow them. I subtely watched them throw Harper's unconcious body in a white van, before slamming and locking the doors. Once the man and Griffin got in the driver's area of the van, I ran outside and started chasing them, determined to find out where they were taking that innocent girl. I saw a unmanned motorcycle with the keys still in it parked just outside the cafe. What is it they say? Ride or die..?  I'm not quite sure that's what that means.

I got on the motorcycle and chased them down, not bothering to put on a helmet. I would return the bike eventually, but for now that was not a option. I kept chasing them down, until they turned on a backroads, that took them out of town. Where were they going? I followed them until they stopped at a large warehouse on the edge of town. I parked myself behind a couple trees, watching them. All around me was orange dirt, like we went from the lush central park of new york to the outback of Austrailia.

Watching closely, I saw Griffin and the man in the eyepatch carry Harper into the warehouse. Looking around, it came to my attention that there were also several other white vans parked alongside the one they had just gotten out of. There were people in black suits, holding large guns and wearing protective helmets gaurding the entrance. I had to get Harper out of there before something terrible happened to her. If my mom saw me now, she'd defidently kill me.

I crept towards the building, turning into a wolf mid-way. I pretended as though I was wild, and that normally got people to leave me alone, but not this time. One of the mask-wearing black widows pointed at me with their gun, "Werewolf!" I heard one of them call. I ran as fast as my canine legs would carry me, and they decided I was going inside.

My heart felt like it was going to beat outside my rib cage, turning back into a human, I slid behind a few crates. It sounded like something alive was inside them, but I was breathing too heavy to notice. I listened for the guards, but never heard them again. As I took in my surroundings, I realised what kind of hell holeI had entered.

Along all of the walls were cages, but not metal bars, clear reinforced glass. Like mini waterless aquariams. In each one, was a different human being. Each were pale and beat up, all looking extremely different, but the same as the exact time. One charaticeristic they all shared was all of them had bright orange metal cuffs worn tight to their skin, and they all read a number. None of the numbers were the same. Looking in the other direction, I saw Harper's limp body carelessly tossed into one of the cages.

Griffin was holding one of the bands that the rest of the prisoners were wearing, and clamped it on Harper's wrist. Locking the tank, they left her in there, a single light above her. I kept watching, not knowing what to do. Only one thought remained in my mind;

"I have to save her."

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