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I made my way to lunch until my brother, Will, came up to me with a huge smile on his face, "So, how's being a junior so far? Feel grown up yet?" He asked me, but I knew he wasn't being friendly for no reason, "What do you want?" I wondered, looking up at him, "Nothing. Just making sure you haven't told anyone"

Guess by this point you are wondering what it is, hm? Well, that's none of your nosy little business...but if you really want to know, me and Will are werewolves. Our mom is human and our dad...well, we don't really know. I'm hoping he was a werewolf and not just a dog. That would have been weird. Sure, I can do a few things, like turn into a wolf and my eyes turn golden. That's about it, though. I'm the literal definition of a rip-off, as Will likes to call to call it. You see strong, handsome, ripped werewolf guys in the movie who try and turn their lovers into werewolves with them to protect them or something, and meanwhile I am the reality. Of course I can turn people, but I wouldn't curse my lover with the burden of being a werewolf. Plus, werewolves hardly date outside of their species. It's either human or werewolf. No in betweens, no excuses.

My mom is hoping I find a werewolf girl who will give her pureblooded grandchildren, but I'm not so sure that will even happen. I mean, look at me. I'm a pasty male elsa in ripped jeans and a thrift store band t-shirt that is defidently not my size. I nodded to awnser his question, "If I even whispered it people would freak out, so no, retard." I said to him. He 'playfully' punched me in the shoulder but it didn't feel like that. He smirked, "See you on the flipside, snowflake!" he called, making me wince out of embaracement. There is no need for anyone else to hear that, especially Griffin. Oh god, if Griffin only knew what I would do to him if I could reveal my powers..he'd be begging for mercy before I even hit him.

I watched Will about fifteen feet up go up to...Stalker girl. He put his elbow on her shoulder and I was wondering what they were talking about. It looked like she had tried talking to the "it" girls, if that's what you woud prefer I called them. I have so many more words for them though, but this has to be kept PG.

He led stalker girl to his table full of leather jacket wearing, dead inside looking, stoner friends. It was almost like I could see a cloud of smoke around them. I gave a long, heavy sigh and walked up to the lunchline, seeing little miss im-going-to-watch-you-in-your-sleep getting dragged away by her brother, Kai. Me and him are pretty good friends, honestly. I met him when my mom sent me to this bible camp during freshman year. He said his sent him because he was doing drugs, and my mom sent me because she thought I needed to make friends. It worked for me, I guess, but Kai hasn't changed very much.

I got my lunch and made my way over to their table, and overheard some of their conversation, "I wouldn't do that. You obviously made one of them mad and now you'll just have to live with the consequences. By the way, I'm Zero. But you probably already know that since you've been stalking me all day-" I mumbled, noticing how she wasn't looking at my eyes, but rather my face. I had gotten a little beat up by the fight with Griffin, but it didn't really hurt..that much. I smirked, seeing how she got incredibly embarrased once I had acknowledged the fact she had been watching me.

"Oh, sorry. It's just a --habit." She said to me as I raised my eyebrow, wondering how on earth that was a habit to somebody, but shook that aside. Like, just happen to watch me in the hallways but its something you cant help and/or notice you are doing it? Alright. Makes total sense, "Hey Kai, can I sit with you guys?" I watched him nod, but really didn't like the answer.

"Sure, next to Harper."

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