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Maya Octavian seemed real smug about the whole matter. I just glared, "No, actually. I think you are terrible at your job, publishing rumors you didn't even know were true? What kind of 'good reporter' does that? You are literally only the broke, slave informer of this school who bows down to what the students of Cornerville want to hear. Not the truth. So I suggest you get back to your little foster home on the edge of Gilligan's Creek, and drop out of highschool. Hey, maybe if you're lucky, you could pay your mother's hospital bills." I snapped, knowing it was a sore spot for her. Every animal has a sore spot, a place of weakness. For a snake, it's their belly. A crab, in the chinks of their shell. was how her mother was deathly ill and couldn't care for her, so she's in a foster home. How nice.

Maya glared at me with so much anger and furiousity, just to cover up how hurt she was on the inside. People tend to do that. Something that hurts them can make them react in a various number of ways, but always negative. That was just me adding the mint to the soda. I saw fire in her eyes, a thirst for blood. "Get out of my office before you are the one who'll be paying hospital bills...and I mean it." I smirked as that threat ran down my spine like honey. Sweet, sweet, manipulation. "Don't go around posting lies, darling. I hope we don't have this conversation again." I spat, whilst keeping a sweet smile on my face.

Walking out with the newspaper in hand, I saw Griffin chasing Zero out to the back door. He deserves it, telling people my boyfriend was a kidnapper and maybe even murderer. It was insane. Sick, really. During my classes that day, my mind kept wandering to the one thing everyone was still talking about. Griffin. Two girls, whom I believe their names were Kait and Sophie, were very cleary talking about the whole endeavor. I walked up to them, carrying pride on my chest. Listening to what they were saying, I could have killed them. "You saw the newspaper, right? Griffin Meyers, ex-football captain. He is getting thrown off of the team for this. The coach can't have any drama between players." Sophie whispered. Kait looked suprised, "Yeah, I saw it but I didn't know they were going to do that. And ew, I used to think he was hot. He kidnapped a girl, drugged her, and god knows what else." "He probably killed her..."

Oh, by this point I was willing to rip their heads off. "Ahem." I cleared my throat, crossing my arms and stood over them like a leopard ready to pounce on her prey. "Hey, Kenzie." they both said in an awkward unison. I studied them closely, "You are honestly such idiots if you think that Griffin Meyers, my boyfriend, would do something like that. Come on. We both know he's dumber than cattle already. He can't pull something like that off." Kait looked at me, before taking a sip out of her skull sticker encrusted waterbottle, "Even with the help of the man in the trenchcoat? Fat chance. Sorry that he did that- he's just trash now."

Griffin was seen as trash and now a horrible person right along with it. Just because of a stupid rumor. I scoffed, flipping my hair and making my way back to my seat. If Griffin is total trash now, then he doesn't deserve my love. When you're the 'it' girl, you have to be with the best guy, who wears the best clothes, and has the most money. Griffin isn't even a football player anymore! He's nothing.

By lunchtime, I had been alone with my thoughts for too long. I walked up to Lucas, who was sitting with his friends. Zero wasn't there for whatever reason, but Kai was. He looked incredibly stressed out, but I pushed it aside. Lucas turned around, "Hey-" he managed to say before I whispered in his ear, "Come to the hall~" and he did just that.

I kissed him, as he held me against the locker. We kept kissing, "Griffin and I are over's just me and you now, Luke-" I whispered, before kissing him again. We'd been there for a while, until a horror arose. The cafeteria door opened, and as did my eyes. It was a bloody handed, killer gazing, Griffin Meyers. He threw Lucas off of me, "Griff!" it was then when I heard the menacing tone of his voice, "What were you doing with that drughead, Kenzie?! And even better, kissing him?!" He didn't give me time to answer. Before I knew it, his hand came rushing for my face, throwing me on the ground, "Griffin..please just let me explain-" I cried, my hand to my face as I tried to get up. He kicked me down, my bdy thumping onto the floor, "Don't even move or I'll freaking kill you."

Without me doing anything, Lucas came up behind him, "Get away from her, now." I heard him hiss, as Griffin's attention was drawn away from me. "Me get away from her? How about you get away from my girlfriend." All I saw was Griffin inching closer and closer to Lucas, until I closed my eyes and covered my ears..but that didn't do much. I heard fighting, and yelling, as I laid in a curled up ball on the ground, wanting everything to disappear. Wanting this to only be a dream.

I guess at some point I had fallen asleep, because when I woke up I was somewhere else. Somewhere I had never even been to. I looked at myself, as I had handprints of blood on my outfit. After getting back to reality, I saw that I was in a glass cage, one burning bright light above me, and several cages jsut like mine lining the walls. "Comfortable?" I heard a sadly familiar voice ask. I looked down at Griffin, seeing his nose bleeding and dried blood on his hands, "I took care of Lucas. If he weren't human I would've taken him here already." I realised the terrible truth..the newspaper was right. None of this was a rumor, this was all Griffin..Zero wasn't insane.

"She..she was right..Maya was right.." I whispered to myself, despite all of the fear and confusion I was suffering. I hoped Lucas was okay. That wasn't even his fault..he was just trying to protect me. "I'll get you a nurse to prep you, because guess who's a new valkyrie, Kenzie? You are. You get to hunt creatures and blah blah blah. If it were up to'd be dead."

I listened to him walk out of the room, as I payed attention to what he was wearing. He was now wearing a white everyone was saying the other man had been. I was scared out of my mind..I heard screams of terror and pain throughout the unseen parts of this giant mystery building. I was shaking, reaching for my phone. It wasn't there. Nobody was there except for the other humans in cages around me.

The 'nurse' Griffin was talking about walked in, but once we saw eachother, we were both in shock.


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