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I looked around the cafeteria as I held my rose gold handbag. I was rummaging through it, looking for my kylie cosmetics lip gloss, but couldn't find it. I zipped the bag up again. Sometimes, commoners make me mad. Like that Harper chick. Does she not know how to listen? Just because she is poor doesn't mean she was born without ears. I suddenly got tapped on the shoulder, as Anna brung me in to whisper in my ear, "Looks like our little shadow has made a deal with the devil-" She said, "Let's really make it known." She said, before walking up to Harper in her rip-off gucci dress and heels. Yeah, just because she is my friend that doesn't mean I can't call her out on her bluff.

I heard her squawk her head off at newbie for at least 10 minutes, long enough to get these simple minded highschoolers talking. I took a sip of my milkshake, "Good job, sasquatch, but what are you going to do when Will gets word about this?" I asked, raising a eyebrow, "He won't." Anna said. All I did was scoff, before looking at Reese, "Don't be a dumb blonde, okay? We don't need you running around like a valleygirl with her head cut off too." I said, right in front of Anna to get under her skin, and because of her moving tables to sit with her boyfriend, I believe it worked.

My interest went over to Griffin walking over to the reject table, and talking to them. I smirked, as Zero was sitting there. Naturally, I thought a fight would come out. Turns out that sour little grape decided that he was going to flirt with Harper. With Harper. The new girl who has nothing to offer but a smile. God, how stupid can he possibly be?

I ran my hand through my hair, before fruiously storming up to him. If I wasn't careful, I'd burn him to a crisp and fly off. Being a demon, that would be another walk in the mall. "Excuse me, what were you doing over there at that table? Talking to them? And better yet, why were you talking to harper, and kissing her hand?!" I was beyond furious. I know I'm a hypocrite, okay?! but at least he doesn't know i'm cheating on him! "Let's talk about this in the hallway." He said to me as if this was a black or yellow situation. I wanted to protest so badly, to smack him and heaven knows how much self control it took not to, "Because I saw an oppurtunity and I took it, darling. It's all in the game of 'there are hotter girls than Kenzie'. This got me so mad. I glared right into his hateful green eyes, wanting to kill him and never see his hideous face again,"Well maybe you should shut down your little game, before I do. I can't even believe you would choose a nobody over me! Kenzie freaking Smith! I'm like gold, Griffin. She is simply a penny. You want to do this? Play with my emotions like that?!"

I felt him walk up to me, not even remotely trying to answer. I wanted to push him off, to yell and scream at him...but I didn't. I couldn't. My muscles relaxed as I melted into his arms, just wanting this all to be over, "Listen to me, Griffin. Don't do that agai-" but I was interrupted by his warm lips meeting mine. I had so many confusing emotions at once I didn't know wether to kiss him or kill him. I eventually gave in, kissing him back. Lord knows how I regretted this moment for so long. Griffin was under my control..I influenced him..not the other way around. Today was I gave up. This is where he screwed up.

I led him into the locker rooms as we kept kissing, but that's about where my imagination stopped. I woke up from this dream when the warning bell rang, having me run out and trip in my heels. I got up, and took a sharp breath. Anna and Reese came up, "Is he history yet?" Reese asked me, "What? Why? Because you want to shack up with him while I'm left single and broken hearted? Ha, and I called Zero cold-hearted." I hissed, taking out my anger on them. Reese rolled her eyes, "Well it would be more interesting than to be learning about pearl harbor." She complained, before making her way to her class. I held my bag close to me, seeing Lucas walk by. He smirked at me and I winked at him, walking through the door.

"Ms. Smith, would you please take a seat? Nobody will be able to see past you." The teacher asked, as I made my way to my usual seat, opening my soda and taking a sip. Griffin wants to play with fire?

I'll give him the whole storm.

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