Screaming Like A Crazed Demonic Devil

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about a good hour later

we were all feeling pretty good

mushroom juice had kicked in

everyone was smiling like a clown

bricks in the wall began moving

mortar slowly crumbled into pieces

bricks fell .. hitting the concrete floor

we were all laughing like madmen

I asked them did they happen to see

bricks and mortar shaking .. falling

crumbling all over the concrete floor

someone brought us a round of beer

then they all wiped their tears

from their eyes .. related yeah

insane, hallucinogenic laughter

we were trying to play pinball

someone pulled the handle back

shot the shiny silver ball into play

four guys operated two flippers

I was bumping the pinball machine

from the middle .. narrow front

seemed no one could hit the ball

with the flippers .. no one cared

just the ringing bells .. flashing lights

gave all of us a major head rush

about that time I felt something sharp

being pressed into the small of my back

reflection in the pinball machine's back glass

grasped my full, undivided attention .. next

I saw a local ex-con's sick evil grinning

I reckon they'd located me pretty easy

weren't that many places to go in winnie

my friends .. all stoned ripped high

never noticed the ex-con behind me

I said where the fuck is my protection

finally I whisked around .. grasped his bony wrists

I twisted his arms together .. a knife fell to the floor

junkie ex-con could be seen visibly trembling

not from any fears .. he was weak from not eating

taking all kinds of drugs .. running needles

slitted eyes were filled with bitter hate

I never let go of his weak wrists

all my stoned high ripped friends

could've taken him out right there

elbow his temple .. break his nose

I kicked his kneecap backwards

grabbed on to his grungy beard

butted his head .. hard with mine

told him if I saw him again i'd kill him

I let go of him .. he stumbled, limping away

screaming like a crazed demonic devil

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