Chapter 29

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Its been 2 weeks since the whole incident with Jonah, and now our relationship has grown even stronger. We found out that Jonah has powers, and that they could manifest at any given moment. I was getting a handle on my powers, and it was better now. Of course, occasionally I get a little angry and lose it, but I'm doing better. 

Currently, I was at the hospital for a check-up. I haven't been feeling so well lately, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't anything serious. I was quietly waiting for the test results, from my blood work. I've been feeling nauseous, and lightheaded a lot. Elias said he wanted to come with me, but I didn't want both of us to sit here worrying about what was wrong with me. When they called my name, I walked into the doctor's office. 

"So Ms, James, I see that you have come in for your results. You said you've been feeling nauseous and lightheaded a lot for the past three weeks. Is this correct?" She asked me.

"Yes, that is correct," I said

"Well I guess we can go over your results, we've looked through all of your bloodwork and we've ruled out any serious illnesses." She said.

"So then what's wrong with me?" I asked her

"There is nothing wrong with you, you are pregnant." She said my eyes widened

"Wait what, how, I mean I know how, but I think I would know if I was pregnant," I said

"Have you already had your period?" She asked me. I nodded. "Well without that indication of it being late for the month, you wouldn't have known without a test. It's very common, you wouldn't be the first woman to not notice a pregnancy." She said. 

"Okay. Thank you, doctor. I guess now I have to tell the father of my child we are pregnant." I said. 

Driving home, I couldn't get my mind off the fact that I was pregnant again. Elias and I have only slept together once, and now I'm pregnant three weeks later. How was I going to tell him? 

Walking into the house, I was greeted with the usual smell of food being cooked and the yells of a baby and a 3-year-old boy. I smiled as I walked through the toys all over the floor. Jonah loved his toys, and he sure knew how to make a mess of them. I slowly picked them up away from the walkway. I walked into the living room and was surprised to see Elias sitting there playing with Jonah. I just stood there and watched them interact with each other. I guess I wasn't afraid of telling Elias now, seeing as he was good with kids.  I cleared my throat and got their attention. 

"Mommy!" Jonah yelled running to me. I picked him up and hugged him. 

"Hi baby," I said smiling and giving him kisses he was trying to move away from. I put him back down. Elias walked up to me, as Jonah ran back to his toys.

"Is everything okay?" He asked me. 

"Everything is fine," I said. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You're hiding something." He said.

"What makes you say that?" I asked him

"I just know you. What are you hiding?" He asked me. 

"Fine, but I don't know if you're going to like it," I said

"So it's serious then?" He asked.

"What no, it's not that serious. Put your Mr. Serious face away." I said he smiled.

"Okay, what is it?" He asked me.

"Simple, I'm pregnant," I said walking away from him to the kitchen. 

"Wait what?" I heard him say. He walked after me to the Kitchen. Rose was cooking as usual. I gave her a hug. "Liv you can't just say something like that and walk away," Elias said walking in. I smiled at him.

"What's going on?" Rose asked.

"Do you want to tell her or should I?" I asked Elias.

"Tell me what?" She asked.

"Olivia's Pregnant." He said. Rose dropped the spoon in her hands.

"What!" She yelled. "Since when?" She asked

"I would like to know also?" Elias said.

"For two maybe three weeks now, I think," I said getting a glass of water.

"And you're just telling us now?" Elias said.

"Woah, back up with the hostility, I just found out myself today, okay so we are all on the same page," I said.

"I'm sorry, it's just weird thinking of being a father." He said.

"But you are one, to Jonah," I said

"I know, but you know what I mean." He said.

"You mean a kid of your own?" I asked him. He nodded. 

"Yeah." He said. 

"So just because Jonah isn't your biological kid he doesn't matter. You've been a great father to him have you not? You helped me raise him, he should be considered your kid. You are a father, even if he's not yours." I said.

"Look, I didn't mean it that way. I do consider Jonah a son, I do, I'm just saying that having a baby that is mine scares me" He said.

"I know, it scares me too and I've already had one. Look, it's just like Jonah, just do all the things you did when we were raising Jonah, and you'll be fine." I said to him.

"I can't believe we are pregnant." He said I laughed.

"We are not pregnant, I am pregnant, your just the dude who has ruined my body for the second time with his kid. " I said joking. He laughed

"I wonder if he is going to be a little vampire wolf hybrid like his dad or a witch hybrid like his mom." He said

"What makes you think it's a he?" I asked him

"I'm just saying." He said I laughed.

"Let's go hang with our current child, for now, this one can wait 8 months," I said. 

"You do know that your pregnancy isn't going to last that long right?" He asked

"Yup, I do, I'm just being hopeful for a normal non-supernatural pregnancy but beggars can't be choosers," I said he laughed.

"You're a goof." He said

"Yeah, but you love this goof," I said kissing him.

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