Chapter 23

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Olivia's POV

Being home again was refreshing, but it was hard to get back to normal after everything we've been through. Jonah would wake up screaming in the middle of the night from nightmares, and I never slept. I pretended to, but I just couldn't. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw him, the man who made me feel weak. To make matters worse, Elias had to leave to tend to something about rouge hybrids, and I didn't have anyone to keep me company at night. I just sat in a rocking chair in Jonah's room every night, and when he woke up I would pick him up and rock him back to sleep. He was quickly getting over being kidnapped and was ready to be a normal two-year-old again. I, on the other hand, didn't know how t go back to my normal routine. I mean how do you just go back to living a normal life after a trauma. I realized, that throughout all of my life, I have been challenged, one bad thing after another. I haven't had a break since I was born. I just wanted to be happy, and stay that way, but it was going to be hard.

After putting Jonah back to bed, I slipped downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw Rose. I smiled at her. She was excessively baking these past couple of days, and I have been meaning to ask her why, but I didn't know how to. At the moment, she was making yet another cake. The kitchen was filled with sweets. She made cupcakes, in every flavor, twelve cakes, brownies, and muffins. I mean she either had a baking addiction or was going crazy. The kids loved it though.

"I see we added a new addition to our mountain of sweets," I said smiling at her she sighed

"Yeah, I can't stop." She said

"Trying to perfect a recipe?" I asked her

"No, more like trying to keep my mind from wandering." She said.

"So baking is your way of distracting yourself. Maybe you could teach me, I have no clue about anything baking-related." I said, she laughed.

" Can I tell you something?" She asked 

"Sure go ahead," I said

"The reason that I am baking so much, is because the man I have been in love with for a long long time is going to come live with us. He will soon be staying here, and I don't know how to feel about it. I mean he makes me nervous and I start to panic and say weird things or bake excessively like I am now." She said I smiled

"Why are you so worried about that. Just tell him you're in love with him." I said to her she rapidly shook her head.

" I can't do that." She said 

"Why not?" I asked

"Because he is in love with someone else, and he also has a child from the  woman he loves." She said 

"Why does that worry you so much?" I said

"Because, the woman he loves is beautiful, and smart, and is great, and I am nothing compared to her." She said as she was taking out more ingredients to make yet another pastry.

" Okay look at me. We need some time away from this house. Especially you. You're like a princess locked in a tower she built for herself and can leave, but chooses not to. Anyways we all need a girl's night. We can leave the kids with Alex, and go have fun. I know I could use some fun, and a distraction. What do you say?" I said

"A girl's night, okay. Why not." She said I pulled her away from the kitchen and called Jane and Emily down to talk things over.  They also agreed. We called Alex and made sure to give him a list of what not to do before leaving. We were all dressed up, and we headed out.

We decided t go out and just have fun, so we went bowling. It was Rose and me, vs Emily and Jane. They were clearly ahead of us.  It was nice to just have fun. We called in every few hours to make sure the kids were alright. Every time we did, Alex got irritated. He said it made him feel like we didn't trust him with our kids. After bowling, we went out to the bar. We drank so much, we all had fast metabolisms, so once we were drunk, we quickly got over it in twenty minutes. We just danced and had a lot of fun. 

We got home around midnight, and the kids were fast asleep on the couch both of them sleeping on top of an also asleep Alex. I quickly snapped a picture of them. They looked so funny. Sam's hand was on Alex's face, and Jonah was laying across Alex's stomach. It was funny yet adorable. I grabbed Jonah, and Jane grabbed Sam, and we put them into bed. Jane and Emily decided to call it a night, and I headed back downstairs to join Rose who was sitting on a sleeping Alex. I joined her, and also sat on him, we turned the tv on and watched whatever was on. Eventually, Alex woke up, but we weren't getting off of him just yet. 

"Come on, get off." He said we laughed

"Not until you say that Rose and Olivia are the best in the world and that you are a dummy," Rose said to him I laughed. 

"I will not say that. Just get off," he said we just got even more comfortable. He groaned." Fine. Rose and Olivia are the best in the world, and Alex is dumb." He said but we still didn't get off of him. He just laughed. We heard a loud thump come from the kitchen, and we stopped laughing. We got off of Alex and went over. We slowly walked in, there was a man, and he was holding a small baby. The loud thump came from him setting his suitcase down. We all looked at him, but we couldn't get a clear view of him.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked he turned around, and Rose stopped breathing.

"Sebastian?" She asked I was confused how did she know him. 

"In the flesh. It's nice to see you again Ro" he said. So this was the guy she was madly in love with.

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