Chapter 3

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**Olivia's POV**

Finding out Elias was a prince was a giant surprise to me. I mean, I just thought he was a wealthy man. Maybe a business guy or something like that, but a prince, a whole prince. That threw me off guard. The lady I learned, whose name was Rose, didn't tell me much. She said that Elias would explain it all to me when he got home. She also told me that a driver would take me to my car to get it and bring my things here. I mean, I didn't have much compared to him. We brought my car, and I got my one suitcase out of the trunk. I didn't have many clothes. When Rose saw this, she gave me a weird look and told me to get ready for the mall. 

We've been here for a while. I mean, we have probably been to almost all of the stores. The one we were in right now was an underwear shop. Rose told me to buy what I wanted. I didn't buy much. I mean, I felt like all of the bras I was going to buy were kind of unnecessary, but I didn't complain. We went to another shop, and I think I must have tried on all of their clothes, but I was hesitant to buy any of them, seeing as I was pregnant and they wouldn't fit anyways. At some point, Rose realized this and decided we needed to go to a maternity place. We bought a lot of stuff. Most I would need when I was a lot bigger. Shopping now was probably better than later. When we got back to the house, we had lots of bags. I would go upstairs and start putting them away, but my stomach grumbled, and Rose insisted that I come to the kitchen and eat while Anna, the other worker, put my clothes away. This time she made me a salad with chicken along with a chicken sandwich. I eat it up really nice. 

"That was good. We liked it." I said with a smile. She laughed

"So it's we, you and the baby? It's cute the way you refer to it," she said 

"Yeah, I mean, the baby does live inside of me, so what it eats is what I eat." I told her, "So how many people work here?" I asked. 

"Not much. The Prince doesn't like too many people in his home. I'd say maybe 6 or 7 of us work here." She answered he really didn't have many people. I guess he was a humble prince.

"What about protection? I mean, he is a prince." I said. She smiled

"The Prince doesn't need much protection. He can handle himself." She said 

"What's your role?" I asked. She looked surprised that I asked.

"Currently, I am in charge of you. I make sure you're fed and that your stay here is nice. I also make sure you are safe. The Prince really likes you. I will be your bodyguard, cook, and friend if you want. Oh, and in case you were wondering which I think you were, I'm only 19 years old. So not too old to be friends." She said; I nodded. She was interesting. We talked, getting to know each other more for like two hours. We finally put on a movie and watched it until dinner time. After dinner, we continued watching movies. It was nice having someone to laugh with. Back at the packhouse, no one really wanted to hang with me, which is why I was always in a book. I used alcohol to be cool and try making friends, but look where that got me. The only thing I didn't tell Rose or the Prince is that I'm a wolf. I think they didn't need to know. I fell asleep while the movie was still on. I woke up again when I felt someone carry me. It was Elias. I looked up at him.

"Sorry if I woke you up. I was just moving you upstairs," he said. I just nodded. He was warm, and it was excellent in his arms. He placed me on the bed and covered me with the blanket. I looked at him.

"You're a prince?" I asked, half-asleep; he smiled.

"I'll tell you more in the morning. Okay, for now, you need rest. Now sleep okay." he said. I nodded and fell asleep. I'll ask my questions in the morning.

I woke up around noon and headed downstairs. Rose made me some food, and I happily sat and ate. We talked for a while, then Elias walked in.

"Good afternoon, ladies," he said with a smile. He was a really handsome guy; I mean, he had dark brown hair that fell perfectly at his shoulders and these nice light brown eyes that looked almost hazel, he was very tall with a muscular build. He had a friendly smile, and his dimples would show when he was really smiling. He also knew how to dress. I mean, he was in nothing but a plain white tee and some sweat pants, but damn he looked good in it. 

I smiled back at him; he sat down and ate with me. Rose left after getting his lunch. We sat there in comfortable silence. 

" So you're a prince? Never would have guessed that. I mean, I just thought you were a wealthy man." I said, he chuckled. 

"Yes, I am a prince. I hope it won't change how you view me. I feel we could be great friends." He said. I smiled. 

"Don't worry, I don't care much for how much money a person has; to me, personality matters more. You don't seem like an ass, so it's fine with me. Anyways, what are you the Prince of? I'm thinking of a country that I probably have never heard of. " I said. 

"I might as well tell you. I am the Prince of vampires and wolves." He said. I looked at him, eyes wide.

"You're what?" I said.

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