Chapter 22

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Olivia's POV

 When I woke up again, I was back in the torture room. I panicked, and frantically tried to get out of the chins I was in, but I couldn't. I also noticed that my mouth was covered by tape.  I was freaking out. Julius must have heard me because he soon walked into the room. He stared at me with anger in his eyes.

"This is what happened when you disobey my orders. I told you that if you wanted to live here without any trouble, you would have to listen and not try to kill me, and you broke the rules. So now you must be punished." 

My wound from before was slowly healing, but the pain was still there. He again jabbed the blade into my stomach, this time on the other side. I cried out, but it was muffled by the tape. He pulled it out and started making deep cuts down my body. I just wished Elias would get here faster, I don't think I could take much more of this.

 When he was finished, he set the knife down and grabbed a whip. He struck me once, and it was enough to make me cry out so hard I ripped the tape off my lips. He hit me again and again and I cried out again and again. I could feel myself going in and out of consciousness. This torture made the one my foster family did look like child's play. He was much more experienced with hurting supernatural beings. He knew the exact tools, and how much pain to inflict. I finally lost all consciousness again.

When I woke up again, I was tied down to a bed, most of my wounds had healed, but the scars were there. I was naked, and nothing but a bedsheet was covering me. Again Julius appeared, he had nothing but boxers on. I shook my head. This was not happening. He wouldn't do this to me. No, I'm dreaming, but it was nothing short of a dream. He forced himself onto me and took away the last hope I had of being saved. He not only raped me, but he also fed on me till I was so drained I couldn't move, then when he was done, he threw me into a cell and left me there. I cried loudly. Tears of pain, and embarrassment, and self-hatred fell from my eyes. I just laid there and I wanted to die.


Elias' POV

 The witch who was helping Julius was more than happy to help after we threatened to not only kill her but take away her magic. She told us his location, and how to get past her wards. Of course, we kept the amulet on her and made sure she couldn't contact anyone. The last thing we needed was Julius knowing we were on our way. We were on his grounds by nightfall. We were stealthy, and we got into his home. We had already killed three of his guards, and there were still five left. I couldn't hear Olivia anywhere. I was listening for her, but it was like she wasn't there. The group killed the rest of the guards, and headed into the house, to find Olivia and Jonah. 

We separated, I took the third floor, Emily and Rose took the first floor, and Kira and Alex took the second floor. We had to find them. I looked in every room but found no one. I heard a scream coming from downstairs, along with a crash, and sped down. I saw Rose on the ground unconscious, her neck snapped, and he had Emily. He had bitten her, now unconscious, he dropped her to the floor and looked at me. 

"Nice to see you again Prince Elias." He said I charged at him, but he sped away before I could get to him. He headed for the first floor, and I was right behind him. He had gotten to Alex and snapped his neck also. Kira was nowhere to be seen. 

"Where is she!" I yelled at him, but he just smiled.

"Where she belongs," he said smiling. I saw red and charged at him, I knocked him down before he could run again. I punched my hand into his chest and grabbed his heart. 

"Tell me or I will rip your heart out," I said again he smiled

"I don't think so." He stabbed me with the demon blade, right in the chest, a few inches away from my heart. I let him go and clutched my chest trying to get the blade out. He got us both up, the blade still in his hand, he twisted it and the pain was unforgettable. I tried to get him off, but with the blade inside of me so close to my heart, I was weak. "You see, I heard your little group the minute they stepped into my home, of course, I didn't want to kill all of you, that would be too big a mess to clean, and hunting you down was too easy, so I let you come to me. I waited until you separated from your group, and struck then. That witch escaped of course, but I'll find her and I'll kill her. As for you, your death is going to be slow and painful. You, I don't quite like very much.  You're the prince of the hybrids, the abomination, so you, I can kill." He said he sunk the blade further into my chest and started to slide it upwards. I cried out at how much it hurt. He just laughed as he did it. 

Before anyone of us knew what was happening, Julius was knocked down. The blade was still in my chest, as I fell down to the floor trying to get it out. We both looked up, and now it was Julius who had a blade stuck in his chest. I saw Olivia, she had scars all over her arms and legs and she had this anger in her eyes.

"Where is my son!" She asked him. He just laughed

"So you got the balls to kill me now. What, are you mad because of what I did?" he asked smirking. Just like he had done, she twisted the blade. I was trying to get the blade I had out of my chest. He didn't even flinch.

"Where is he, you sadistic asshole! Where did you put him!" She yelled. I had never seen this side of her. She had changed while she was here, he had done something to take her moral compass away because she didn't even flinch as she twisted the blade.

"He's dead," Julius said she now had tears in her eyes, but they weren't tears of sadness, something else was behind them. 

"Don't lie. You wouldn't kill him, you need him he's the first born child of the first born, so you can't kill him, you wouldn't. Tell me the truth!" She yelled. She quickly pulled the blade out, and stabbed him again, this time closer to his heart. He just kept laughing. 

"Just kill me, darling, I know you want to. I mean I did do all those bad things to you." He said pleased with himself. I was now angry. Something in her flared up, and she yet again pulled out the blade, but this time she plunged it into his heart. He stopped moving. 

"I hate you! For everything that you've done. I hope you rot in hell, you bastard." She yelled. He fell to the ground, but she didn't stop stabbing him, she just kept going. At this point, I had managed to take the blade out, but I was weak. I walked over to her, and before she could plunge the blade back into him, I grabbed her hand. she looked at me and instantly broke down. I just held her as she cried. I didn't know what he had done to her, but it had to have been bad for her to be this mad to the point she would repeatedly stab him even after death. Someone knocked on the door, and we looked over. It was Kira, she had Jonah with her. She put him down, and he ran to us. Olivia instantly hugged him as she cried even harder. He cried also. I just sat there and held them both. They had been through so much, I just hoped they would be alright. Our biggest enemy was dead, but the demons they both had to face here in this house would never leave them.

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