Chapter 20

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Elias POV

3 months, it's been 3 months. I was dying here without Liv. I was growing angry every day. I couldn't eat or sleep. I had to get them back. I knew we were close, but I just didn't know where to look. Everywhere  I looked, they weren't there. I needed to find the witch who was helping him. I need to know why they are helping a monster like him. I had just gotten off the phone, and the news I got wasn't good. I threw my phone against the wall in anger. I ran my hands through my hair and pulled. I hated that nothing was happening. Kira walked into my office. 

"You need to calm down." She said 

"I'm tired of everyone telling me to calm down," 

"Okay, I guess good news can help you then." She said I sat down

"What is it?" I asked

"I was able to track down the witch who is helping Julius, but I can't get to her, at least not yet. She has a powerful spell up, but I can break through it." She said finally some good news.

"How long will it take?" I asked her

"At least a two days. I need to find the correct counterspell. You will also need to detain her I'm guessing. I can make an amulet to trap her, all you have to do is put it on her when the spell is down. she'll be powerless." She said.

"Okay, prepare the spell. I'll let everyone in on the plan." I said she nodded and left. I headed downstairs and called a meeting. Everyone was there. 

"What is this meeting about?" Alex asked.

"It's time," I said

"Wait you found them?" Emily asked.

"Not yet, but Kira has a spell, and we will get the witch who is helping him. She is the key to him." I said

"Elias condoning torture. Who is this and what did you do to good-hearted I don't hurt people without a reason, Elias." Alex said. I missed his humor.

"Haha funny, I'm not saying we are going to torture her, I'm just saying we need to convince her to tell us where Julius is, and we may or may not need to use a little force if needed," I explained

"Understandable, how do we plan to actually get past Julius and get her?" Rose asked

"I agree with Rose here, how do we expect to bypass a very old sadistic vampire. I mean killing him is hard, and also how do we do it without getting Olivia killed?" Emily asked. She was right, how do we get past him without getting Liv killed.

"Simply actually, we get into Olivia's head," Alex said we all looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Rose asked

"It's this trick Vampires can do, we can get into people's heads, while they are asleep." He explained vaguely.

"But the person whose head you're trying to get into has to be close to you, like same house same room, as I recall," I said.

"You see that's the thing they don't tell you about being a vampire, my brother as you all know is one of the so-called sadistic vampire types, so he learned that you actually can contact anyone and get into their heads, even when they aren't in the room. He did it to me when he was telling me he was dying. May we all rest in peace without his presence around. Anyways, you just need to concentrate hard and hope the person you are contacting is asleep, or else you are going to be on a one-way call. I can show you if you want, I may have done it once or twice." He explained. He showed me how to contact Liv, he said that I had to be quick because the window is only open for so long. I had to make the message quick. I just hoped wherever she was, we could get to her quickly.

When it came to nighttime, I got ready to do the dream walk as Alex called it. He was interested in his names. Everyone was fast asleep, we had to get some sleep because tomorrow was going to be a very long day, but by the end of it, Liv and Jonah were going to be home. I concentrated hard, and channeled Liv, I just hoped she was somewhat asleep. It took an hour and a half, but finally, I got her. She didn't notice me at first, till I called out to her.

"Olivia!" I yelled she turned to me, a look of surprise on her face, she ran to me and I hugged her. How I missed her.

"Elias? How are you here? Wait I'm asleep, how is this possible?" she asked I smiled at her

"Look we don't have much time, but I need you to know something. We have a plan, we are going to get the two of you back, our plan is going into effect. We need you to distract Julius as much as you can and make sure Jonah is safe. The two of you are coming home." I said to her she smiled at me.

"Good, because I can't take another day here. I'm dying here without you guys. I'm nothing more than a walking meal to Julius, and every time I step out of line, he threatens to kill Jonah. I can't have that. You should know something, Mathew will be gone tomorrow, so it will just be Julius and me here, but he has many guards. He also had this blade that scars. He said it's the only thing strong enough to kill a supernatural being. If I get that, we can kill him, but be quick, I feel him on edge." She said.

"Okay, and I know about the blade, he tried to kill my father with it. If you can get the blade far from him, we can kill him. Don't worry. I got to go, but I love you, Olivia, I will see you soon." I said. 

"I love you too." She said this was all she could say before our window was closed. I was even angrier with Julius now, he was feeding off of her, I could tell she looked drained and like she was dying. We needed to get them out ASAP. Surely, I was going to kill Julius, you don't mess with the ones I love and expect to get away with it, not with your life at least. The anger had now taken over. I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes were blood red, I was out for Julius' head, and wouldn't be satisfied until I ripped it clean off his body.

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