Chapter 15

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--Elias' POV--

I have been here with my family until my father got better. Knowing that Julius had a demon blade meant that he had somehow managed to get passed the witches that guarded them. I knew he didn't want to kill my father if he wanted that he would have killed him. He was sending me a message. I just hated that I was here instead of out there with the people who mattered and needed protection. 

I also didn't like this Matthew guy. Having him around wasn't fun. I hated how much Liv was all over him the last time I saw them. She clearly doesn't see that he wants more. I just hated that she didn't see it. I could tell they had a history other than Jonah, but it wasn't my place to try and bring them apart. She wasn't mine, and I was nothing more than just a friend to her. It did hurt to see her smile at another man, but she can make her own choices. 

"How are you doing brother?" Samuel asked me. 

"How do you think I am doing? My father is recovering from being stabbed by a demon blade, the man who did it is hiding away doing who knows what with the blade, and I feel like I can't protect any of the people I love. So you tell me, how am I doing." I said, he chucked. I glared at him.

"Just take a breath okay Eli. Breathe for now. It will be okay, now that this Julius guy has attacked our king, we purebreds want blood. You are not the only one who is angry. As for the people you care about, you being there is enough. How about you go home to those people you love, and you just be with them. You don't have to let them know till you are ready. Plus you need some rest, you haven't slept in days. I care about you Eli, and I feel like your time is better spent with Rose and Olivia, and her sweet little baby boy who can put a smile on your face. Now go, before I have the guards throw you out." Athena, Samuel's wife said to me. She kissed me on the cheek, and I walked away. She was right I needed to go home and be with the people I swore to protect. I also had to talk with Kira, Julius was too close, meaning her spell has either worn off, or she is dead. 

I drove home, and I already knew that I had to tell everyone what I learned. Julius is here somewhere, and he was going to find us soon. I pulled in and saw that there was an unknown car parked in my driveway. I instantly knew Matthew was here. Just great. I walked in and headed into the living room. I stopped when I saw Matthew lean down and kiss Olivia, she didn't push him away, so I guess she didn't mind it. A weird feeling came over me. I guess it was bound to happen. I turned and walked away. I guess Olivia noticed because she called out to me. I stopped and turned around. 

"Hey, did you just get in?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I'll tell you about it in the morning," I said to her.

"Did you see-" she started, I cut her off

"It's okay Liv, it's your life. Do what you want. I'll see you in the morning goodnight." I said. I turned around and walked away from her. I couldn't go after her since she was clearly still in love with Matthew. 

--Olivia's POV--

When Matt kissed me, I was really surprised. I mean I didn't expect it, he just did it. I pulled away as soon as I gained my thoughts back. I looked up, and saw Elias walking away I called out to him, and he turned around. 

"Hey, did you just get in?" I asked him

"Yeah, I'll tell you about it in the morning,"  He said I could tell he must have seen what happened. He looked tired.

"Did you see-" I started, and he cut me off.

"It's okay Liv, it's your life. Do what you want. I'll see you in the morning Goodnight." He said. He turned around and walked away. I could tell that he had seen Matt kiss me, and it was affecting him. 

"Is everything alright with him?" Matt asked behind me. I turned to him.

"I think you should go," I said to him

"Look, Livy, if it is about that kiss-" I interrupted him.

"You shouldn't have kissed me. We just met again after two years. It's too fast for me. I get that you want to meet your son and all, but this, us, we can't happen okay." he nodded

"Okay, but it doesn't mean I won't try. I feel something between us, I won't give up on that. Goodnight. I gotta get back home, but I will be back, don't let him forget me." He said I smiled.

"You do know there is this thing called facetime. I mean all I got to do is call you from my computer, and put him in front of the screen, that way you get to see each other. Or did you forget?" I said laughing.

"Haha. Yes I know, tell him bye for me when he wakes up, and that I'll miss him." He said I nodded. We hugged goodbye, and I walked upstairs. I walked over to Elias's room, he was in the shower. I sat on the bed and waited for him. I didn't like the way we left off, plus I could tell there was something he was hiding from me. The perks of living with someone for two years is that the closer you get to them, the more you learn about them. It's how I know something was bothering him. 

I heard the shower turn off, and soon Elias walked in. I looked at him, he was in nothing but a towel, and the water was dripping down his chest. I looked away. He walked into his closet and came out with only sweats on. 

"Is something bothering you?" he asked me I shook my head he sat next to me. "Then why are you here?" 

"Because something is bothering you, and don't say it's nothing, because it's something." I said, he sighed."Look whatever it is, you can tell me." 

"And why is that? Why do you want to know my problems so badly, is Matthew not here to distract you." He said coldly

"Why are you saying that? Are you jealous or something?" I asked, and he scoffed. 

"There is so much you don't know." He said angrily

"I know a lot more than you think Elias," I said 

"Like what?" He asked me. I turned to him and kissed him. He was caught off guard. I pulled away.

"I know that I love you and that you love me, not just like best friends," I said. He pulled me back and kissed me. This was the first time since the first time he kissed me that I truly felt his emotions, I could tell he needed a distraction from whatever was in his head, and I didn't mind being that distraction for the night. 

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