Chapter 4

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**Olivia's POV**

"I might as well tell you. I am the Prince of Vampires, and also Wolves." He said I looked at him, eyes wide.

"You're what?" I said. I jumped off the couch and started to step away from him. He also got up and started walking towards me.

"You don't have to be afraid Olivia. I know you're a wolf. I won't hurt you." He said

"You're a vampire. Your kind and mine don't get along." I said he sighed.

"I'm not just a vampire. I'm a hybrid. My father is the pureblood king and my mother is a werewolf. Making me part of both worlds." he said he kept walking forward and I kept walking back till my back hit the wall.

"Please don't come any closer," I said I didn't like vampires, not with my history with them. I don't care about his wolf side. He was a blood-sucking killing machine.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I can see that you don't want me here right now, so I'll leave. I'll give you time to think about it." he said he gave me a sad smile, and then walked away. I wanted to leave. I don't want to be here anymore. I ran upstairs and started packing my things.

"So you're leaving," Rose said standing at the door. I nodded. "I guess we're not good enough for you." She continued.

"What do you mean?" I asked her confused.

"I mean the fact that you found out about Elias and decided that instead of letting him explain himself and trying to understand him, you would rather leave." She said.

"You don't get it he's a monster," I said not thinking.

"Yeah well, I guess that makes me a monster too. I'm a hybrid. Matter of fact all of us here are except for you. Elias made that possible." She said.

"You let him turn you into that?" I said I could tell that made her angry, her eyes changed colors.

"You say that like its the worst thing ever. Guess what, Olivia, if it wasn't for him turning me I would be dead. We all would. He saved us. All of us who work here and many others. You want to stand there and say he's a monster, but he couldn't help who he was born as, and wolves are just as bad as vampires are. I would know my old pack left me for dead and he saved me. He offered you a place to stay seeing as you lived in your car and had nothing. He could sense that you weren't in a good place, and he helped you, so If we're not good enough for you go ahead and leave. Just know you have no right to call us monsters." She said, she walked away. I stopped packing. I guess I didn't see it that way. I was being ungrateful. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

"Why do I always manage to screw everything up?" I said to myself. I sat in my room for the rest of the day. I was giving myself a timeout, while also letting things cool down. I was thinking everything over. I realized something I was doing to Elias and everyone here was what the humans did to me by treating them like a monster. I hated myself for it.

I went down to grab something from the kitchen. I walked in and saw Rose I figured she was still mad at me, so I gave her a small smile and walked to the fridge to grab some food. Before I could open it she stopped me.

"Sit down. I made you some food." she handed me a plate of food.

"Thanks," I said we sat in silence. It was killing me. The first friend I made and I already ruined it.

"I hate this. I don't like this at all. Look I'm sorry I went off on you. What happened between you and Eli was your business." She said I shook my head.

"I'm the one who should say sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did. I wasn't thinking." I said she smiled. " I didn't mean to make you hate me. I just say stupid things. " I continued.

"I don't hate you. I was angry because you didn't give him a chance to explain his story. I'm not angry now. And also I think you might want to talk to Elias about all of this. I think the both of you need to talk this through. I don't want you to leave us. I like having a friend." She said I smiled.

"I don't even think he would want to talk to me. I messed up a possible friendship. I wouldn't talk to me if I were him." I said.

"I wouldn't put it passed him. He's a forgiving person." She said

"I don't even know where to start," I said

"How about I'm sorry," Elias said from behind me. I turned around. I got up and walked to him.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I should have let you explain yourself instead of being the scared little wolf I was." I said.

"I'll leave you two alone," Rose said. We walked into the living room and sat down.

"I get that you were scared of me and who I am, but like I said I wouldn't hurt you. I just want to understand why you don't trust me." He said

"I do trust you. I just don't have a good story with Vampires." I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I dreaded telling anyone my past. I just shook my head. "You can tell me," he said.

" When I was a little kid my adoptive parents were killed by vampires, and to make matters even worse. Those same vampires took me and sold me like I was just another piece of property they owned. I was treated badly, they neglected me and beat me every day. Eventually, they figured I wasn't good enough for them, so they basically threw me away. I lived on the streets, begging people to give me food and money, but no one cared. Then the state found me and I was put into foster care. Nothing got easy there either. All the foster families I was in treated me like trash and I never belonged. It didn't get any easier when I turned either. The family I was with, they,...." I was saying, but he cut me off.

"Olivia you don't have to tell me this if it's too hard," he said I shook my head.

" I have to tell someone. I've kept it inside for so long, it's eating at me." He nodded. The tears were streaming down my face now, but I continued. "My last foster family turns out they knew a lot about the supernatural, and so when they found out about me, they locked me up in the basement. Every day Jason the father would come downstairs and beat me for being who I was. Every day was torture. I didn't know how to fight back. I didn't know anything about being a wolf. The worst days, where the days when he would force me to drink wolfsbane. I would cry out, but no one would come and save me. I didn't have anyone, and the worst part is I hated myself more than he hated me. I still do." I said. I tried to hold back the tears and the sobs, but I wasn't strong enough. Elias took me into his arms and held me while I cried.

"You don't have to hate yourself anymore. This is your new home and everyone here will love you no matter who you are. It's okay. You didn't deserve any of what happened to you. Nobody deserves that." he said I cried even harder. I hope I could do better for my child. I knew this would be a good place.

***** So how you liking this little story so far? Pretty good huh. So what do you think is gonna happen between Olivia and Elias over the next months. Anyways I hope Y'all is enjoying this here book, I'm working hard on it. Also just to let you know there are no mates in this story, I thought it would make the romances better. So yeah peace.*****

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