Chapter 1

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**Olivia POV**

  I was having the time of my life at this party. It was the Alpha's eighteenth birthday, and we were celebrating. I may have had one too many drinks, but I wasn't letting that stop me. I was usually chill and kept to myself, but I just let loose today. I went to the dance floor and just started dancing like crazy. Tonight was all about having fun. I just swayed to the music and moved like how everyone else was. At this point, my hair was flying everywhere, and I didn't have any shoes on. I was over the top drunk. I felt someone put their hand on my waist, so I turned around, and it was no one other than the new Alpha himself. He smiled down at me, and I smiled back. Old feelings for him came back, and I didn't want them to disappear. We just danced together. His hands never left my waist, and I had my hands on his neck.

We were both way too drunk. He eventually walked me away from the dance floor and up to his room. We sat on the bed and started making out. He started kissing down my neck, and he slowly put his hands under my shirt, lifting it. I decided not to stop him. Soon we were both undressed and having sex. I was still a virgin, and he was gentle with me. When we were done, we both fell asleep.

The next morning when I woke up, I was confused about why I wasn't in my bed. I looked around for a second, and it all came back to me. I slept with Matthew. He wasn't in the room; I saw a note on the dresser, so I read it.  

*Let's keep what happened last night between us. I have a reputation to keep up, and it was a mistake.*  That brought tears to my eyes. It was just a mistake to him. He only cared about his reputation. How could I be so stupid?

I put my clothes on and carefully made my way to my room. I got in the shower, and while in there, I sank to the floor and cried. I gave him my virginity for nothing. I thought that maybe just maybe he was with me because he cared about me and liked me the way he used to. But then again, nobody knew about it, and he broke it off when he didn't get what he wanted, so I guess I'm just a stupid fool.

I eventually stopped crying and got out of the shower. I got dressed and moved on with my day. I avoided him the best I could at school. We had less than a month left of school, and all I had to do was avoid him. 

*4 weeks*

I woke up and felt sick for the hundredth time this month. I figured out I was pregnant three weeks ago. I missed my period, and I felt sick every day. I was angry at not only myself but Matthew too. How could he not have used any protection? Also, how could I have been so stupid as to let him have sex with me without protection? I guess the alcohol and lousy judgment clouded my thoughts that night. I tried to tell him, but he was always busy, and he never seemed to want to speak with me.

 He walked into the kitchen with Sally, another wolf from our pack on his arm. Clearly, that's the type of girl he wanted, not me. She was tall, with long legs, barely any fat on her body, and beautiful long brown hair. Compared to her, I was below average. My hair was long, but it was usually a frizzy mess, I was shorter than other girls, and I wasn't exactly a skinny girl. I wasn't fat either; I was in some weird in-between. I guess he didn't like that. I decided I should try to talk to him anyway.

"Alpha, could I talk to you?" I asked him, they stopped and looked at me. He turned to her and said something; she giggled before walking away.

"What is it." He said, clearly not wanting my company.

"I needed to talk to you about what happened four weeks ago at the party..." I started, he cut me off.

"Look, I already told you that you shouldn't bring that up. It was a mistake, okay. A stupid mistake. We were both obviously way too drunk. I made a bad judgment call and slept with you. So just get over it, and move on." 

"So I'm just supposed to forget everything we went through? Did I really mean that little to you? I clearly remember you telling me that you wanted to be with me forever. Was it all just a lie?"I asked him with tears filling up in my eyes.

"Yeah, it was. But honestly Olivia, get over it. I was a stupid kid who thought I was in love. I grew up, and so should you. It was all a mistake; you will regret it if you ever bring that up to anyone. I don't need people knowing how weak I was when I was with you. So don't you ever talk to me again unless it's official pack business, got it?" He walked off to catch up with Sally.  

 I let the tears fall once he was gone. Of course, he wanted me to move on. Why would he want me? I wasn't like Sally or the other girls he usually gets with. I wasn't the pretty girl or the popular girl. I was boring old me, a stupid, weak wolf who came to this pack late and couldn't even transform into her wolf for a long time. I meant nothing to him. I was worthless to him. He doesn't even care about me like I thought he did.

I ran upstairs as fast as I could. I had tears in my eyes blocking my vision, so I didn't notice that I had bumped into the Beta Jackson. I was about to fall down, but he caught me.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked me. I just shook my head and pushed past him. I wasn't in the talking mood. I got to my room and closed the door. I sat there near my door and just let all of the tears fall. I was done with holding them back. I let out the tears I held when I found out I was pregnant and the tears I had now that I was outright rejected again by him. I hated Matthew Black. I hate him so much right now. He never even gave me the chance to tell him he would be a father. I started to sob, so I put a hand over my mouth to stop myself. The last thing I needed was attention. I didn't want anyone in this pack to know I was weak. 

This pack may have been home when I found out I was a werewolf, but I have nobody here. No family and no friends. I was an outsider, who is probably another reason he didn't want me. I didn't blame him; I was worthless to start with. Nobody has ever wanted me. Why would they start now? I hated myself now more than ever, but I wasn't going to get rid of this baby. If the Alpha doesn't want us, that's just fine. This baby and I don't want him either. I packed my things up and headed out the door. There wasn't anyone to stop me, so I got in my car and drove away. I decided to go back to the city. At least there I was, far from all of this, and I could start a new life.

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