Chapter 11

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Olivia's POV

It's been three weeks since we brought Jonah home, and let's just say it hasn't been easy. He wakes up at three a.m and screams at the top of his lungs till I pick him up and feed him. He also cries when he notices that I am far away from him. So I am always awake and with him. Sometimes though, he plays a little game where he just lays in his crib and does nothing. Wy3hen he notices me, he then starts crying. Everyone has been a big help also. Whenever I was too tired to get him, Elias would grab him for me. Rose and Alex also helped. They kept me busy so I wasn't always sitting next to Jonah and watching him till he needed me. 

We were sitting on the couch watching tv at the moment. We had just finished gardening and we were all a little tired. Jonah was sleeping peacefully in his little crib near the couch. We made sure not to be too loud to not wake him. Things have been pretty mellow around here. Elias has been working hard on trying to find out who was trying to kill my baby. He said he was close to a lead, he came home late sometimes, and would usually be covered in blood. Some days I would be awake long enough to catch him in that state. I never asked him anything because I felt it was being too nosy. He was working hard trying to make sure Jonah and I are safe, but he also needed a break. 

At some point, I fell asleep, and Rose and Alex left for the kitchen. It was nice to just have a little peace and quiet and a nap before he woke up again. I loved him, but he was such an attention hog. I just needed a little sleep before he woke up. I don't know how long I was asleep, but I was woken up by a loud crashing sound and a yell. I bolted up. The first thing I did was look in Jonah's crib. He wasn't there. I started to panic. I jumped off the couch and rushed to the kitchen. As I walked in, I saw a man. He had Rose pinned against the wall, and Alex was unconscious on the floor. Rose spotted me. 

"Run Olivia!" She said. He snapped her neck. I took her advice and ran, but then I heard a baby cry. I stopped and turned back. He had Jonah in his hands. He gave me a wicked smile.

"I will give you whatever you want, just please don't hurt my baby," I said to him he laughed.

"I would never hurt a baby. What do you think I am a monster." He said smiling."Besides you will give me what I want, and what I want is you." He said I didn't understand.

"I don't know who you are, and I also don't want anything to do with you," I said. Jonah cried louder. "Please just give him back to me." 

"You don't know who I am, but your dear parents know who I am. You see they gave you to me a long while ago, but then they decided to take back their deal, so I had them killed. I was going to take you also, but you were gone. Protected by magic. This little baby here is the reason I found you. The witch that hide you made sure you couldn't have children, so I wouldn't find you. He was supposed to die, but he didn't and so now I'm here to collect my debt. He is just an added bonus." He said. I looked at him confused. 

"I don't understand. Who are you? And why would my parents do that?" I asked him

"Me. well, I'm Julius. I'm a vampire and a powerful one at that. As for why your parents did what they did, well let's see. Your mother was owned by yours truly, and for her freedom, she had to exchange something of value. So just guess who she chooses to exchange. Of course, she never intended on having a child. She married another wolf, and they had you. Once you were born, it was time for me to collect, but they had you hidden from me and cloaked by magic. I didn't like that so I killed them." He explained. 

I felt the tears roll down my eyes. He was the reason I had such a bad life. He killed the only family I had. All I could see was red, and so I charged at him. He wasn't expecting it, and he lost some of his balance and stumbled back letting go of Jonah. I caught Jonah before he fell landing on the floor. The guy Julius was angry. He grabbed me and pinned me against the wall.

"You shouldn't have done that". he said. Jonah was really screaming now. He could feel my terror along with his own. He clasped his hand around my neck cutting off my air. I held on to Jonah so I didn't drop him. Just as I thought everything was going to be over, Elias showed up with him a witch. He grabbed Julius and threw him across the room. I fell to the floor. She came up to us while Elias moved to Julius. 

"Take my hand."She said. I shook my head. "You can trust me, I knew your parents Olivia. I'm not going to hurt you or your baby, I'm here to protect you. Please." She said I took her hand. She helped me up. We ran upstairs to my room. It was the safest in the house.

"Wait, what about my friends. They're down there." I said she nodded. She started chanting, and soon after, Rose and Alex's bodies were in the room. "Who are you?" I asked her.

"My name is Kira. I was the witch that helped hide you from Julius. I am also the one who made it so you couldn't have children." She said.

"Why would you do that to me?" I asked her.

"Because of the situation, we are in now. When your mother made a deal with Julius, she made it in exchange for her freedom, she would give him her firstborn child. She couldn't let that happen, so she contacted me when you were born. Of course, Julius had spies watching you and knew of your birth. I had you hidden long before he could come, but I couldn't save your parents. The thing about the deal was, that if your mother tried to take back the deal or not fulfill her word, Julius would take your firstborn child. That's why I put the spell that would not make it possible for you to have a child. You could get pregnant sure, but the baby would die. I see your little one survived, and so he came looking. But I'll make sure he doesn't get his hands on you. I'm going to cloak you guys again. All of you. So he can't find you." 

"Meaning we have to run." She nodded. Elias walked in soon after.

"Whatever you're going to do, do it now, he won't stay down for long." He said. He had blood all over him, and a hole in his shirt like he had been stabbed. Kira nodded. She started a spell. I could feel the magic. It felt like a powerful spell. She finished up and nodded. Alex and Rose woke up soon after. 

"You are all cloaked, but you have to leave. As far as you can go, he won't find you. As long as I am still alive. I will make sure he won't. I can do this much for you. Now go before he wakes and realizes it." She said we all got up and left. We got into the car and drove off. I didn't know where we were going, but I knew it was a better place than here. Where we would be safe. I can't believe that just when I was starting to have a normal life where I could be happy, this starts again. Me and my baby were no longer safe. None of us were safe, not with Julius around. 

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