Chapter 19

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--Olivia's POV--

Living with Julius wasn't easy. He was very high maintenance. He wanted everything perfect. But I had to keep being strong for as long as I could. I would eventually kill him, but first, I had to find an advantage. A way to get close to him, so I would kill him without getting Jonah and me killed. Seeing Matthew made me angry. I couldn't believe that he could just walk around me knowing he was a traitor. Whenever he tries to talk to me, I just ignore him and keep walking. He needed to know that I hated him. He basically handed us over to Julius, I can't forgive him.

Currently, I was sitting in the garden watching Jonah play. I was happy he didn't know what was going on. It was better for him. He just thought we were on a vacation.

"Mama look," he said running to me with a flower in his hand.

"It is very beautiful," I said to him he smiled.

"It for you." He said handing me the flower. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, he made a face and ran back to the garden.

"It's funny how much love they have at this age. Enjoy it, soon he will be a rebellious teenager who doesn't listen to anything you say." Julius said sitting next to me.  I glared at him, and he just smiled.

"I thought this was my day off, what do you need?" I said to him

"Darling, the fact that you think I would give you a day off is funny. I said I would give you some time off, not the whole day." He said.

"Why do you always feel the need to call me darling? Honestly, I hate it." 

"Would you prefer princess or sweetheart?" He asked sarcastically

"How about my name," I said 

"Oh please everyone calls you  Olivia, I just like darling because I can call you that. Now back to what I came here for. It's time for me to feed." He said his eyes turned red when he did.

"Not in front of my son," I said

"Sweetheart, I don't care." He said, he sank his teeth into my skin, just above my collar bone. I tried to push him off, but he just kept going and going. I started seeing black spots and hit him to stop. He kept going, then stopped, when he noticed I was going limp in his hands. "Come on darling, let's go to bed." He said carrying me.

"Wait, my son," I said weakly. 

"Don't worry, I got him also." He said. It was the last thing I remembered. I woke up again the next morning around two a.m. I saw Jonah right next to me. I smiled. I kissed his head and got up off the bed. I headed for the bathroom. I splash water on my face, there was no way for me to go back to sleep. I walked past Julius' room, knowing he wasn't asleep, and headed to the kitchen. He had really drained me, he always did. I hated how much he fed on me, how he fed until he saw fit, and his marks were always on me. For some reason, I couldn't heal them on my own. He was the only one who could do it, but the sadistic bastard wouldn't do it. When I walked into the kitchen, Matt was sitting there. I tried to walk back before he saw me. But I wasn't quick enough.

"You don't have to keep running away from me Livy." He said 

"Don't do that. Don't call me Livy, and expect everything to go back to normal." I said to him

"Look I'm sorry, but I didn't have much of a choice. He basically forced him." 

"No. You had a choice, and you chose to be alpha instead of your son. He and I will be prisoners for as long we live. You decided this for us. You did. So don't try to explain it to me." I said 

"Look okay fine I chose power, but I need my alpha status, without it, I'm nothing. I need it like how you need our son." He said

"Our son! He is not OUR son. He is my son. I gave birth to him, I sat with him while he almost died, I changed every diaper, I held him every time he was sick and needed me, I took care of him, and I will die for him. We didn't do anything together, because you were too far up your own ass to realize that I was pregnant with your child. You could have had the chance to call him yours, but you lost that when you pushed us away, and even now when you gave us up, so you could be alpha. You played me, and like an idiot, I fell for it. I can't be with the man I love because of you. My son will have to live here without any friends, and without the man, he called his father for the rest of his life. So please don't try to claim him now. He will never be your son." 

"Livy, give me a chance. I love him. He's my son. " He said, I pushed him back away from me.

"NO! You don't get to love him, you don't even know him. You don't know what he likes, what he hates, how much he loves to learn, and how much love he has for everything. You don't know that." I said

"Then let me understand, let me get to know my son while I'm here. Let me love him the way you love him. Let me be the father he never had. Let my son learn about his father, the man who loves him, and wants to get to know him. He is my son, I see it in his eyes, and his hair. Besides you even named him after me." 

"I might have named him after you, but I regret it. I thought I was giving him a good name, but now I see that it was a terrible judgment on my part. I didn't know you. So stop, just stop calling him your son. Because he is my son. I will love him always no matter what. I won't betray him, I will always be there to save him, or help him because that is what good parents do. I was seventeen when I stupidly slept with you, and now I see that it was a mistake. The only good thing that came out of it was my son, the only good thing. So please don't even dare say you love him, because the only person you have ever loved is yourself."  I walked back to my room after. He deserved everything I just said to him. 

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