Chapter 26

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When I woke up again, I was back in my room. I was confused, as to why, but then I remembered yesterday. I saw Elias sitting in the chair near the bed. I glared at him until he noticed. "You just had to render me unconscious?" I asked him. 

"I could have let you go, but as I told you, I didn't want to hurt you. Liv you were in fight mode, and the last thing I needed was to fight you. We both know I would end up hurting you, and we'd both hate it." he said.

I sighed." I hate it when your right." I said falling back onto the bed. "Wait, where is my child?" I asked him. 

"Relax, the girls took them out, and they dragged Seb along. They said he needed to "learn to be a better dad." they said to let you sleep since you had a lot of hostility yesterday. I mean you threw me across a room, if that not hostile, I don't know what is." He said. I threw a pillow at him, but he caught it. 

"Was what you said yesterday true?" I asked him

"Every word." 

"What does that even mean? If my father isn't my father, who is?" 

"I'm afraid the answer died with Julius. He's the only one who knew about it." He said

"Just great," I said laying back down. I laid there staring at the ceiling. Elias face suddenly appeared in front of me. 

"Guess what?" He said

"What?" I said

"We're all alone. No ones home," he said smirking.

"I thought you'd never ask," I said pulling him closer to me. Our lips met, and I smiled. I don't remember the last time we did this; it had been too long. He deepened the kiss and flipped us, so I was on top. Our breathing got heavier, our bodies hungry for one another. He slipped my shirt off, and I did the same with him. We undressed until we were in nothing but underwear. At this point, Elias flipped us back, and now he was on top. He was now leaving trails of kisses down my stomach. He came back up, and our lips met. Slowly, we both kept taking off our last pieces of clothing, until we were naked, and well you can guess what went on after.

Elias and I were woken up by the sound of footsteps. It was late when everyone got back. I grabbed his shirt, and put it on, before stepping out Elias behind me. Rose walked past us with a sleeping Jonah. I walked behind her. She laid him down, and I tucked him in, kissing him goodnight. 

"I see the two of you had fun while we were gone."She said. 

"I guess you could say that," I said. We headed downstairs. Sebastian was half asleep holding baby Levi. Rose quickly took the baby from him and dragged him to bed. I walked back upstairs, still tired from today. Elias came shortly after. He got into bed next to me, pulling me close to him. We fell asleep.

The next morning, Elias was gone, and Jonah was peacefully sleeping next to me. Carefully I got up not trying to wake him. I heard the shower going, and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth while Elias took his shower. I headed out before he turned off the water, and got dressed. He came out shortly after, a towel wrapped around his waist. I stared at him.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said walking into the closet. I laughed. 

"When did little Jo, join us?" I asked him

"Sometime around 6. He woke me up, and I think he had a bad dream. I just let him sleep here instead of by himself. I also didn't want to wake you up. 

"Poor baby. You know, his birthday is coming up soon. What shall we do?" I asked him. He walked out in his business suit. 

"Throw him a party, like any other normal family." He said planting a kiss on my forehead.

"The thought of a bunch of little kids running around this house, I think it would kill Sebastian," I said we laughed. 

"I think he will get over it. Now I got to go; I'll see you later." He said I frowned

"Do you have to be a billionaire businessman today?" I asked him. 

"I always have to be a billionaire businessman. I gotta keep my human identity alive remember." He said. 

"Okay. Go make money," I said he laughed. He kissed me goodbye before he left. I walked over to Jonah's room to grab him some clothes. My baby was going to be three soon. I walked back to my room and woke him up, which was hard since he was a child, and children hate waking up. I just picked him up and dragged him to a bath. He slowly woke up. As I was taking him a bath, we had a conversation.

"Hey guess what?" I asked him

"What." He said

"It's almost your birthday. What do you want." I asked him

"I don't know."He said his mood changed.

"baby what's wrong?" I asked him. He didn't say anything." What's wrong; you know you can tell me anything." 

"Sammy said he is leaving." He said. I sighed, remembering that Emily got a new job offer in Atlanta and was going to be leaving in a month.

"I know, but he is not leaving right now. You will still see him." I said, 

"but he's my best friend." He said 

"Baby you will make new friends," I told him he shook his head.

"But I like Sammy. I don't want nobody else," he said. I got him out of the bath and wrapped him in a towel. I carried him over to the bed and sat him down. 

"People leave all the time, that's why we make new friends. So we won't be lonely. I know you think new friends are not okay right now, but you will see that they are fun. Sammy will come to see us; he won't leave forever. he loves you as we all do." I said to him.

"But, he like my brother,"  I smiled. 

"I know baby, but we will find a new Sammy. You are almost old enough to go to school. You will meet a lot of new friends." I told him.

"Momma, I know what I want for my birthday." He said 

"Oh really, what do you want?" I asked him. 

"I want a brother." He said. My eyes went wide, I wasn't ready for another kid yet.

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