14.) New Relationships

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When I woke up, I refused to open my eyes because I wanted to go back to sleep desperately. I didn’t want to wake up, yet. I had the most amazing dream last night.

Kale asked me out, like to be his girlfriend, and then we kissed. Not only did we kiss, but I kissed him this time. And then, when we were done kissing, Kale turned off the projector and I fell asleep on his lap.

That was a dream I’d never forget.

Before I could force myself to open my eyes, my phone broke through the comfortable silence of my room. After a short moment of lazily searching and grumbling, my hand landed on the iPhone on the floor beside my bed and I pushed the answer button without opening my eyes.

“Hello?” I mumbled.

“Did I wake you up?” My dad’s voice said through the phone.

“No, Daddy.” I denied. “What’s up?”

“Just checking in. How’s my baby girl doing?”

“Good.” I said in a tired voice. “It’s great here.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” He said warmly. I never realized how much I’d really missed my dad until now. I don’t think I’ve ever been away from him for so long.

“I miss you.” I told him honestly. I was still tired so I kept my eyes comfortably closed but I tried to keep my voice less tired.

“I miss you too, darling.”

“How have you been?” I asked, my plan to rid my voice of tiredness was failing miserably, but I couldn’t help it. I felt exhausted.

“I’m doing just fine. It’s lonely around here without you, though.” He said.

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I’ll be home before you know it.” I assured him.

“I’m sure you will, Holly.” He sighed. “I’ll talk to you later, you enjoy your day.”

“I will. I love you.”

“Love you too, girly.” He said before the line went dead and I plopped my phone back down on the floor beside the bed.

“What time is it?”

“Ah!” I screamed at the sudden voice behind me, and very close to my ear. In a panic, I scrambled to get up, but tripped over the blanket and fell to the ground with a thud and tangled in the blanket. That’s when I realized that I wasn’t even in my room, I was still in the theater. I frantically scanned the room for the source of the voice and my eyes landed on Kale who was nearly hovering over me with an amused smile.

Just seeing his face made the realization hit me against the head like a brick wall. It wasn’t a dream. None of it was. Kale had asked me to be his… girlfriend. We had kissed. And then we had fallen asleep together on the comfy black recliner that I had just fallen off of.

“Oh my goodness, you scared me.” I mumbled, standing to my feet, completely flustered and embarrassed. “I’m, um, I’m going to go.” I croaked awkwardly, running out the door before he could even say anything. But right when the door shut behind me, I stopped with another realization.

If what happened last night wasn’t a dream, then we were dating now. Which meant that I could kiss him if I wanted to. And, honestly, I wanted to. I barged back into the room and jogged over to where Kale was still sitting in the chair with his hair all messy and disheveled. Without giving him time to question me, I duct my head down and put my lips on his for a quick kiss. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the feeling that he gives me. I don’t think I want to.

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