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Polly Melin Cheng

Hi :

: Yes, ate?

Are you busy? :

: Kinda.

: You need something?

I just wanna ask you something :

But I guess I'll just ask you later at home :

: Ask me now

: I have time naman

Have you been a fan of someone? :

: Yes.

: Gfriend.

: Why?

How about a boy group? :

: iKON

Bias? :

: You don't know him.

: My bias is their main dancer.

What would you feel if he replied to your message? :

: I don't message him but I'll feel happy if ever.

That's it? :

No excitement? :

: Of course, there is.

: But I'll be merely happy.

: I know that he messaged back as an idol because I messaged him as a fan.

: There will be nothing else but an idol-fan relationship.

: I know that this is about Gray, ate.

: But don't keep your hopes up.

: Just continue supporting him. He'll appreciate that, even though he doesn't know you. You'll be one of the fans that he is thankful for.

Thank you Polly :

I sometimes think that you're older :

Lmao :

I have something else to say :

: Spill it

'Yong drummer kasi nila, inadd ako :

Should I accept? :

: Sure

: Nothing's wrong with you doing so

Thanks :

Lemme treat you siopao later :

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