Halloween (1)

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Jays pov
I never really celebrated Halloween but I've always wanted to. I'm a tad old now to go around trick or treating but still what the heck. Sammy agreed to come along as well as Austin. We all dressed up in dorky cloths: spiderman for me, professor Xavier was Austin and Sammy, after loosing a bet, was Winnie the poo.
It was mildly dark for 7pm and kids were running around the street stuffing there faces full of candy and hoping to get huge chocolate bars. There were a few teenagers here and there mainly just out to scare the younger ones.
As I said I'm a tad old so instead we're going to help out at a party being hosted by a church I used to go to. There's thousands of sweets, multiple games, face paint, making of slime and the best part...PIZZA. Well that's the second best part. Erik was going also with some of his new found friends.
I tried not to be angry at him but I couldn't stop imagining him being adopted by another family. And leaving us behind forever. He might be angry and impatient but he's still my brother and I would hate to have to leave him.
"Hey squirt" well that's a new nick name for a brother I haven't seen in months
"When did you start calling me that one?"
"Idk like 2 seconds ago. Nice outfit poobear" Sam blushed deeply
"Your never gonna let this go are you"
"Nope" he replied popping the p. Austin decided to leave us to our own thing.
I inspected Erik's group a little more. There were 3 other boys all who looked slightly older than Erik. They were all in some sort of biker costume with helmets at there side. Erik really is an arrogant brat isn't he.
"So JJ..."
"No you don't get to call me that"
"What the hell your my brother!?"
"Some brother you are" both me and Sam muttered. Okay I was very angry at Erik. He just left us. With no cards or texts he just left. And now he expects us to all be great buddies. He and all of his new brothers. No thanks.
"What!! Do you know how long I looked for you while you were cooped up in your self pity in a stupid cave. I stayed with you while all your lazy ass did was sit in bed. You ruined all of our lives."
And just like that the world was spinning. I was going to throw up. I was back in the cave. It's dark. I'm alone. I'm alone. I'm never getting out this is We're I live now I'm trapped there's no way of getting out of here I'm going to die. Illnevergettoseethesunagainormybrothersimgoingtodie!!!

Sammys pov
"...You ruined all of our lives." No he did not. He ruined our lives by leaving us. Before I knew it he had a black eye laying on the ground whimpering and then bang I was on the floor looking up at 3 blurry figures and I heard faint sobbing. I also felt more blows to the head and my chest and my head. And blood. A lot of it.

Austins pov
It seemed tense between the 3 brothers so I left them to sort things out. After 2 games of splat the rat jays on the floor in fatal position, Erik's on the floor with a probable broken nose and Sammy's in the floor in a pool of his own blood.

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And another person
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There book is called the crystal rose academy
It's actually amazing and you guys should check it out

Another good book is by jazminbilal 
Her books called the littlest summerall

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