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this is the first story I've ever written so I hope you enjoy how bad it is (:


18 years old

6'8, brown hair, brown eyes.

very overprotective over Jay and the twins, enjoys sport and maths, popular, scared of spiders.


16 years old

6'6, browny gold hair, brown eyes.

twins to Sam, enjoys sports as well, popular scared of clowns and bugs.


16 years old

6'6, browny gold hair, brown eyes.

twins to Erik, enjoys football, popular, uncoftable around younger children, scared of the dark


14 years old

5'3, ginger hair, green eyes, freckles

loves books, loves English, maths, science and singing. hates sports but loves skating, scared of load noises, storms, small spaces, the dark and is very antisocial.

both parents overdid drugs and died a year and a half ago. they both used to be abusive especially towards jay.

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