got lucky

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Baileys been at school for 2 days now. Were doing last period now, history. As we were coming round to the half way point Bailey leaned over and whispered "I was talking to a guy yesterday and he said that you ," he stopped hear and looked uncomfortable "that you umm, you have like mental breakdown whenever someone you don't know touches you." I nearly laughed yet I nearly cry.
"Um bailey, your, your touching me n-now. On the back. You really believed them?" Bailey immediately looked guilty.
"Sorry Jay. I was just... I was just out of order. Sorry" he looked really guilty. I still felt kind of sad. I thought he b understood me like v straight away. Maybe he does. He knows how hated and worthless I am.
"Jay. Jay are you listening?"
"Umm yes miss." What's the answer question?" I started panicking. What question. She hasn't asked a question. Shit everyone's looking. Umm. Shit.
"I-i c-can't r-rem-member the question m-miss, s-sorry" my shakey voice probably faded out before the teacher heard.
"That's because I didn't ask a question pay attention Jay," I felt humiliation and tears fill up. The day couldn't get any worse.
The lesson ended and as soon as I was out I saw Bailey try and get to me. Run. I started dashing down the hall, trying to avoid all the feet sticking out of the corridor. Finally I made it to the bus stop bit realizes 2 things, the bus wouldn't be here for another 5 meaning Bailey would catch up to me anyway and is forgotten my inhaler. I was wheezing more then I had realized and it was only getting worse. Don't tell anyone. You can get home. It's not that bad. Yet. Okay just get home. Home. Keep calm.
"Jay!! I'm so sorry. Really please can we be friends" I closed my eyes. I forgive him just please help me. There was no voice coming from Bailey. I didn't want to have to mime it out to him so I just waited feeling myself getting lightheaded. As I opened my eyes I noticed bailey wasnt there anymore. Don't panic. Your fine. Just get on the bus and go home.
Just in time the bus arrived. I could feel my whole bodey start to break down. Without speaking I gave the bus driver some money and sat right at the front of the bus. As I arrived on my block I couldn't receive any air into my lungs. I almost couldn't move. Gathering all my strength I stumbled out of the door. I can't make it to my door. I felt the bus move from behind me and I promptly collapsed as I saw Erik jog to words me.
"JJ? What's wrong? Your white as a ghost. J? Can you hear me" I can't breath. I can't move. I can't see the world is going blurry. Shit. I'm going to die. This is the end.

Erik's fro and then he collapsed..
I was walking home alone due to all my friends having lecross practice. I was just on my block when I saw the bus pull up. Only Jay walked out. Well more stumbled. I saw even from here how pale he was and how he was swaying back and fro
Run run run
"JJ? What's wrong? Your white as a ghost. J? Can you hear me" there was bio reply but I could hear his laboured breaths. Asthma. Inhaler. Why wasn't an answer coming into my head. Shit. I can't do this. Weres Jake when you need him.
Just as I was struggling I heard loud noises behind me.
"JAY! What's wrong?!" Sam. Well it's better then no one.
"Asthma attack, go get Jake and his inhaler." I sounded calm. Almost to calm. Jay was still awake. He looked distant and in pain bit he was awake.
After 2 minutes Jake and Sam appeared. Seeing as JJ already had his mouth open Jake placed it in there and puffed twice. It wasn't helping. No why isn't it working.
Jake continued blowing the medicine in until it finally worked. Jjs breaths stated easing up and he started full on sobbing into Jakes chest.

Hi guys. Thanks for reading so far. I'd just like to apologize for the music witch you will sometimes see in these. I don't know if there will be music because my phone doesn't always actually download it.

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