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Jakes POV
I was laying on my bed deep in thought. I'm never usually deep in thought and i don't like it. To many worries and unrealistic circumstances appear when I'm deep in thought
We got back from our holiday 2 days ago and I can't help but keep on going over that night. The night when J had the epileptic seizure. He hasn't had one in a while and to be honest it was probably our fault. We all know Jay hates scary movies and we were being slightly distant with him the whole time. We weren't talking to him as much we just left him to do his thing. Even after his seizure when he went down stairs and dropped the glasses I was being a bit harsh. I know we were just happy to be free and finally away but that's no excuse to exclude our brother. Especially JJ.
"Jake I'm hungry can I have a sandwich?" I think it was Erik yelling from downstairs. either way no, we've just had lunch and it's only 3 in the afternoon. Oh wait, I did not. I only got food for myself. Jeez I need to stop worrying and actually apologize. And then probably feed them.
"Jake!?" Erik's voice was slightly louder now.
"Yes Erik you can have a sandwich. Make one for your brothers to." I slowly lifted my self out of bed and went to find Jay. I'm such an idiot sometimes.
After looking everywhere around the house I finally found him outside reading a book. He heard me approach him and put his book down along with sitting up and staring at me with expectant eyes.
"Hey bro" I looked at him and he looked bored out of his mind. We should go out somewhere like the beach. Yea later on we'll go to the beach. Or even just have a family game night. That way we don't have a chance of drifting apart again. I'll discuss that later right now JJ.
"Hi Jay. I know you probably don't want a reminding but you know at the shack? I've been thinking about it and the whole time we were there we were being slightly irresponsible. We shouldn't have made you watch the movie and I probably should have helped you out a bit more when you dropped the glass. I'm sorry bro" he looked directly at the ground. I know he usually feels like these sorts of things are his fault. He blames himself for many things and both the twins and me hate it. I sat there hoping he'd say something soon.
After some time I felt jay curl into my lap and mumble something along the lines of "don't worry bubba I forgive you." I felt his arms and I didn't realize how cold he is. I lifted him up along with his book and carried him inside. I don't know how jay can just stay in places for so long without caring about his surroundings. Most of the time it's impressing but other times he does it while walking and that doesn't normally turn out great.
I sat on the couch allowing Jay to retrieve his food and then snuggle up next to me as we watched some random show Erik was watching. After about 25 minuets Jay was fast asleep on my lap and snoring quietly.
I slowly lifted him up and carried him up to his room. As I placed him on the bed I felt a pair of arms grab onto my shirt and pull me back. Jay then whispered.
"Stay Jakey please"I climbed into bed next to him and slowly drifted asleep as well.

I would like to thank
For the idea. I also know I just updated but I can't sleep so I've done two. (:

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