The same tree?!

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Jays pov
Sam had run of about 10 minutes ago but we're not worried, he always turns up. Me and jake on the other hand were wandering along the river side just talking about random stuff like
"We should watch football more often" and
"I've always hated that girl in 3rd period music. The one with the short blond hair. Why does she always pick her nose?" This was all until we then see Sam in a tree. Not sure whether to laugh or not I walk over 10 feet beneath him and ask if he can get down to Witch he replied
"Yea of course I can. Just gimme a sec" then he starts shuffling down the branch. It's clear he's stuck.
"Yo Jake. Umm, can you help me out here?? I might be stuck"
"In the same tree?! Idiot you were meant to be the smarter twin" I watch this conversation from a far until I hear I loud "BOO"
My eardrums ring and I jump into the water. Great thank you whoever has just thrown me in a river. I look over and see a regretful Erik looking at me from the bank.
"Don't climb in idiot you have a cast on. Jay? Can you come to the side" Jake starts helping me out and I hear another yell from the tree
"Are you okay? It's pretty shallow did you hit anything?"
"No I'm fine" and then Erik next to me
"I'm so so so so sorry. I didn't mean to do that I've just been so caught up with adrenaline all day from sport I wasn't thinking straight..." as he carries on for the second time today I brought out my inhaler. I don't hate Erik for it but I'm pretty shaken up. You don't just tell boo into someone's ear. I'm now freezing and short of breath. I can also feel a slight sense of spacing out meaning I have to get home before I have a seizure.
I tugged on jakes sleeve.
"Jake. I gotta get home I'm going to have a seizure"
"Okay bud. Jut stay calm okay. Remember we are I. A park walking home." By now he was guiding me along the path leaving the twins to try and get down. "Can you tell me your favorite color?" He would ask simple questions to try and keep me focused.
"What's your least favorite color?"
"How old are you?"
"How old am I" by now I recognize we're in a building. I'm sure I know it's name. What is it. And my brother had just asked me a question. What was it. I can't remember. At least I'm in something soft now
"Jay. I know it's scary but just let go now. Don't hold it in. Let it all go"
And so I did. Complete loss of body control. I don't know what I'm looking at. Complete blurred. I'm not sure if someone's touching me or if that's the couch. I don't know anything anymore. It's like I'm someone else. Until finally I'm free. And asleep

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being the little brother.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें