day off.

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Jays pov
I woke up with a headache from all my crying last night. I hate thunderstorms. After the incident when I got hit by lightning I gained epilepsy (sorry if that's wrong) and I had panic attacks more often along with asthma which I already had. I rolled over and checked the time; 11:24. Wait I'm late for school!! I quickly got changed into a T-shirt and jeans. I ran down stairs to find only Jake laying on the sofa bed watching something stupid in Netflix. Jake looked up as he heard me rushing down stairs.
"Dude, I'm hours late for school" I said whinsing as my head gave a pound against my skull.
"Dude chill. Your bit going today. You got really messed up last night." I just looked down. I hated my brothers having to take care of me. They must hate it to. I'm just a burden to them. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't even notice a hand being placed on my shoulder. Jake knelt down to my height and gazed into my eyes.
"Do you need your inhaler?" I hadn't even noticed my breathing becoming heavy. I nodded and I felt a oblong shape enter my mouth pushing air opening my lungs. After a minute I felt two large arms lift me up and place me on the sofa. I settled into Jakes chest and watched star trek with him.

Jakes pov
We had just finished star trek and it was about time for lunch. I pushed myself of the sofa and walked into the kitchen. Just as I had got out the spag bol and started cooking it jay shouted from the lounge
"I'm going in the trampoline" I didn't answer knowing he can take care of himself. We didn't have much money as in were not Rich. Before they died they did drugs a lot and sold them. With the amount they sold they got a good amount of money. Half of it was spent in then buying drugs and the other half was given to there living conditions. They were terrible parents and abused us. Mainly JJ though because that's when they started doing drugs. When he was born. They couldn't handle 4 kids so they blamed it on him.
I took the food out the oven, laid it out on two plates and walked outside. I saw Jay standing on the trampoline inhaler in his mouth. Poor kid.
"JJ time for lunch."
"K" I jumped of and walked inside. I looked at his scar showing down his arm. He normally covers it but I guess he was in a rush this morning thinking it was school. I chuckled slightly as I saw him wolfing down the food getting it all down his shirt as I rebeen
"What you laughing about?" I chuckled some more.
"Look at your shirt stupid" he looked down embarrassed.
"Get cleaned up later buddy just take it slow."
After lunch we both went to the park just to chill when my phone rang.

Hello. Is this Jake o'rally?
Yes who is this?
This is Erik's school. I an afraid your son-
Oh. Is your father anywhere?
Okay well could you please come and pick brother up from school. He has been suspended for 3 days.
May I ask why?
He beat up another child at lunch.
Okay I'll be right there

I turned to JJ who looked confused.
"Erik's been suspended. We have to go and collect him."
"Why has he been suspended?"
"He had a fight" the rest of the walk and ride to school went in silence until we arrived. I saw Erik sitting in the waiting room twiddling his thumbs.
"Hello I'm Erik's brother here to take him home"
The Lady at the desk nodded without looking up from her magazine and i walked over to Erik grabbing his arm. I dragged him out and he sat in the back with JJ. Then I started yelling something I hadn't done in a while
"What the hell were you thinking. You stupid idiot. How do you keep on managing to get suspended and soon you get expelled and then what will we do?"

Jays pov
Jake angrily grabbed Erik's arm and dragged him out of school. I hurried behind them and jumped in the back. We set of already going ten past the speed limit. Suddenly Jakes voice suddenly erupted though the car.
"What the hell were you thinking. You stupid idiot. How do you keep on managing to get suspended and soon you get expelled and then what will we do?" I gasped as Jake screamed. Erik went pale and started to stutter.
"W-we well t-there were s-some b-b-boys making fun o-of JJ s-so I snapped" Jake just sighed. I had started to cry. This was my fault. It was always my fault. If I wasn't here Erik wouldn't be suspended and Jake wouldn't have to stay home today and mum and dad would be alive.
We arrived home and I wiped my eyes heading into the house. I quickly rushed upstairs and stuffed my head into my pillow and screamed. I'm the worst person ever. I felt nu breath getting short. I won't use it though. I don't need it. Uuugh now in being an idiot. If I don't take it then out will be more work for my brothers. I felt a knock on my door so I grabbed my inhaler used it and opened my door Erik as standing there. He walked in and sat with me pulling me into his lap.
"Love you bro" I knew Erik had seen me panic in the car and he probably thought I was having a panic attack. I leaned into his chest and felt my eyes close.
"Love you to bro. Don't go fighting no more okay?"
"KK JJ. I won't fight no more. I promise."
1000 words.

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