Chapter 30

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"So you're like a thing now, gf and gf?" asked Jisoo while munching

"What you said was horrible, what in the world is gf and gf" Lisa criticised

"Lisa if you hurt Chaeng's heart again I swear to god I'll hurt you really really hard, like throwing you out from our window or something" said Jennie

"Wait, that's not fair! And hey you, hands of my girlfriend" Lisa said as Rosé was giving Jennie a hug

"Ya oppa, it's just a hug!" Rosé protested

"Oppa?" Jennie questioned

"Yes you can all me that too" Lisa approved

"Why are you calling her oppa?" Jennie asked

"Because I'm her Limario oppa" Lisa said proudly

Jisoo who's drinking her water spit out all the water and started coughing, Lisa patted her back while saying:

"Aish, the charm of Limario oppa"

Finally stopping her coughing, Jisoo asked Rosé:

"Are you sure you like her?"

"Shut up, everybody likes me! It's too bad for them cause I already have Rosie"

Lisa said while winking to Rosé, Rosé blushed a little and Jennie mumbled:

"Gosh that rhymes"

"So anyway, I want you all hands and eyes off my girlfriend now and I want to see no more bullying her" Lisa declared

"We never bully her, it's you we like to bully" Jennie said

Rosé laughed and Lisa playfully hit Jennie

Jisoo playfully asked:

"Anymore request?"

"Yes, do my laundry everyday and I'm never doing any chores" exclaimed Lisa

"Ohh I got an idea, how about if you don't do your laundry and chores, we're gonna throw away all Chaeng's plushies down the window?" Jennie said and Jisoo gave her a high 5 to show support

Rosé's face horrified and she protested:

"What did I do wrong?"

"You chose the wrong one" Jisoo said and chuckled

"I'm sorry if it'll ruin the mood but I have to ask, how about Jimin?" Jennie asked

"Oh no worries, I called him and told him everything, he said also fell like it's best when we're friends, and he promised to keep it a secret" Rosé said

"Such a nice man, too bad he didn't fall for me" said Jennie

"Are you serious?" Jisoo asked

"What?" Jennie confusedly asked

"Do you wish Jimin would fall for you?" Jisoo asked again

"Hell no! It was just an expression!" Jennie said

"Unnie there's something I need to tell you" Rosé interrupted

"What?" Jennie asked

"Before, Jimin might have mentioned a few times that Tae Hyung oppa had showed interest towards you" Rosé said

When she finished, she looked and Jisoo cautiously and just as

expected, Jisoo's face turned away and she wasn't looking happy

"Hmm really? Didn't know that before" Jennie said

"Anyway, we have to go get ready, manager is coming to fetch us for meeting later, about the tour" said Rosé

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