Chapter 17

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They started off making pie. It was a disaster. It only took them 5 minutes to realise they can't really cook. The best cook out of them is Jennie and obviously she's not here right now. Jisoo could only cook simple Korean food.

Eventually, they gave up baking a pie, those apples are then juiced and went down Lisa's stomach. Jisoo and Rosé then proceed with fried chicken and Lisa stared making those egg sandwiches. All she needs to do was to smash the boiled eggs and put in between the breads, she had fun with that though. On the other hand, Jisoo and Rosé are both dirty and oily.

After a really really long time, finally they settled the chicken. They were about to make the cranberry sorbet when Jisoo's phone rang, it was from Jennie, she walked to the living room while picking up the phone,

"Hey unnie, it's me" said Jennie

"Jennieya, anything?" asked Jisoo

"Yeah it started raining here and i'm ending my shooting now, where're y'all?" asked Jennie

"We're at the hotel, wanna meet up?" asked Jisoo

"Yeah yeah, I'll be back soon" replied Jennie

"Okay, bye" said Jisoo

Just as she's about to hang up the phone, Jisoo remembered the gift exchanging game they're playing,

"Wait! Jennieya! Can you hear me?" Jisoo shouted into the phone

"Yes unnie, what's it?" asked Jennie

"You know we're having a gift exchanging section right?" Jisoo said

"Yeah" replied Jennie

"Do you think you can go find gifts for us now, I think Lisa really wants to exchange the gifts" suggested Jisoo

"Hmmm anything is alright right?" asked Jennie

"Yeah sure" Jisoo replied

"Okay then, I'll do that before coming back, but please tell Lisa she's not getting a present from me" said Jennie

Jisoo laughed, she said:

"Okay but you sure know how to hold a grudge"

"Well serves her right" said Jennie

They then said goodbye and hung up the phone.

"Lisaya!" shouted Jisoo to the kitchen

"Yes?" replied Lisa

While walking back to the kitchen, Jisoo said:

"Jennie said she'll go prepare the presents, maybe we can exchange it later..."

"YES!" not letting Jisoo finish her sentence, Lisa screamed, she started to do her happy dance moves

Jisoo raised one side of her eyebrows and continued her sentence:

"However she said she's not preparing anything for you"

Rosé started laughing out loud and Lisa immediately stopped her dance moves. She does this horrible face and started shouting:


"I'm gonna go call her!" Lisa said

She then dashes to her phone, Jisoo shook her head and together with Rosé they started making their sorbet.

After they finish making the sorbet, they started to clean up the kitchen. At first Jisoo did not want to help them but the kitchen is really in a big mess and she can't trust them with the chores. Finally they finished all the things they could do and just by that time, Jennie came back. Rosé was the first one to see Jennie and she ran up to Jennie hugging her and said:

"Unnie! Welcome home!"

Jennie smirked and said:

"Hi Rosie but this is technically not home you know"

Lisa ran to Jennie too while saying:

"Jendeukie! Oh dear Jendeukie! I missed you so much"

Jennie hid from Lisa's hug and said:

"Stay away from me god!"

Lisa did not cared, she chased after Jennie and finally when she caught Jennie, she carried her up and start turning circles.

"Put me down!" screamed Jennie

"Did you buy me a present?" asked Lisa

"Yes! Yes!" screamed Jennie

Jennie suffered from motion sickness and all these turning is making her uncomfortable.

"Alright then" Lisa said, then she put Jennie down.

Jennie was breathing in and out really hard, she stared at Lisa and the eyes looked as if she wanted to kill Lisa. Rosé was actually really hungry and she asked:

"Can we have dinner now?"

"Yes, let's go reheat the chicken first" said Jisoo

Three of them went to set up the food while Jennie went back to change herself into comfortable clothes. It took them 10 minutes to get everything ready, they placed the sandwiches and the chicken on the table. When Jennie came back, she sees a plate of sandwiches and a bowl of chicken, suspiciously she asked:

"Is the our dinner?"

Three of them replied her with a nod,

"Oh god" Jennie exclaimed.

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