Chapter 12

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On the second day, Jennie started filming her music video immediately. The other girls on the other hand are totally off schedule, they can do anything they want.

After having a late breakfast, the girls decided to visit the tourists site for sightseeing. Before debut, Jennie had gifted a small keychain as a present before and Jisoo had been bringing the keychain around with her. Every time they took pictures at a spot, Jisoo took out the keychain and took pictures of the keychain and the scenes. Lisa found it childish but only Rosé knew what it meant.

Sceneries at England was amazing, the only drawback to Jisoo is that Jennie was not by her side to enjoy all these things. After having high tea at a random cafe, they visited the St Dustan's, Stepney Green Church. Lisa was totally amazed by the beauty of the church,

"Gosh I'd totally want to get married in this church!" said Lisa

Rosé's expression changed for a second and returned to normal,

Jisoo just chuckled and said:

"Well, if only you find someone who wants to be with you"

"Unnie! How can you say words like that!" exclaimed Lisa as she playfully hits Jisoo

Jisoo raised her hands as if she wanted to hit her back, Lisa hid behind Rosé to escape Jisoo's attack, they were fiddling around until they entered in church.

Inside the church, Rosé explained:

"Usually when we have wishes or regrets, we pray to the god in the church, let's all tell the god our wishes!"

"Sure" they replied.

Lisa and Rosé of them closed their eyes and put their hands together, they started praying silently. Jisoo who wasn't planning

on praying was affected by their atmosphere so unconsciously, she followed them and closed her eyes. She put her hands together and started praying in her mind:

'Dear god, this is my first time talking to you, and I really do have a wish. I'm in love with the wrong person, what can I do? Please teach me how to do the right choices, I'm really trapped in this maze. I know I love her and I don't want to but that's impossible, it's tearing me apart and I don't think I can take this anymore. I'm using my whole life to love her and although I'm hurting too much, I don't think I could ever remove her from my life. Please teach me what to do...'

Jisoo was getting sadder when suddenly she was stopped by Lisa who called her name:

"Jisoo unnie, you okay? Why're you crying?"

Jisoo opened her eyes slowly and sees the worry face of Lisa and Rosé, she then realises she had been crying when she prayed just now. She sipped her eyes and then assured them:

"It's nothing, I'm okay"

Rosé sighed and gave her a hug, Lisa did not know why her unnie was crying but she gave her a pat on the back anyway and said:

"Alright alright, stop crying, let's leave now"

Jisoo chuckled and stood up, and then she said:

"Let's go!"

They then left the church.

After walking along the streets, they wandered off to a market which sells all sorts of random stuffs. From fashion to toys, everything was there which basically is a heaven for them.

Lisa suggested they each buy a present for the other members and then have a gift exchanging ceremony which gain the approval of Rosé and was protested by Jisoo. They decided to ignore Jisoo's protest and so they forced her to join the game by threatening her to join the game or else they'd not do their chores for the following month. And so Jisoo was forced into the game.

So, to keep it a mystery, they spit up to prepare their own presents. Lisa and Rosé were enjoying this task but Jisoo was definitely not enjoying it. Everyone knows how lazy Jisoo is especially when it comes to shopping for others. To shop and not for own's needs is very tired and time consuming in Jisoo's opinion. After parting from the maknaes, she reluctantly started her journey to buy presents for others.

To My Love // Jensoo (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz