Chapter 13

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Jisoo walked around aimlessly, she just hopes that those presents would automatically pop out in front. She saw a souvenir stall selling a packet of photo card of England and it looks as if something Lisa would like so she bought it. After that, she bought a packet of tea for Rosé. Jisoo wanted to buy something special for Jennie but the right thing just did not came to sight.

After walking around aimlessly again for 20 minutes, she finally came across a shop which sells those little pendant which has different meanings. Some are said to bring you happiness, some are said to bring you wealth. Jisoo was attracted by the designs of those little pendant. She entered the shop and started looking. There was a lot of choices and she did not no which one to choose. And idea popped into her head and she decided to buy all available pendants, she'll just ask Jennie which one she wants and give her that one.

'Aish I'm so clever' Jisoo praised herself in her mind.

As she picked out the pendants, she can't help imagining Jennie's expression when she sees the present and she didn't notice that a smile is appearing on her face. After a while, she finally picked a total of eight pendants, including happiness, health, wealth, love, luck, prosperity, beauty and success. She paid for those pendants and waited for the shop workers to wrap it up.

The walls of the shop caught Jisoo's attention, it looks as if it was a white and clean wall but now it's covered with a lot of doodles and writings. Noticing Jisoo's attention, the shop worker explained:

"It's a wall of wishes, you can just write anything there"

"Anything?" asked Jisoo

"Yeah, go on and write" replied the worker while giving Jisoo a friendly smile.

Jisoo walked over and took a marker pen, after thinking for moment, she started writing:

'Nini, I love you, forever and ever, I really do. Love, Chu.'

Jisoo was about to write their real name but then what it some fan saw it and knew this secret, she can't afford taking this risk. Just when she finished writing, the shop worker finished wrapping the gifts. She thanked the shop worker, took the gifts and when back to the entrance of the market to meet up Lisa and Rosé.

They headed back to their hotel by taxi after meeting up. On the way back to the hotel, they discussed their dinner options:

"I want to have Korean Food!" said Lisa

"If you want to have Korean Food you could have just stayed in Korea" said Jisoo

Lisa shook her head in disbelief and said:

"Unnie why are you getting more and more savage, ain't I your little baby?"

Jisoo knitted her eyebrows and said:

"Do you have any idea what you are saying, since when are you my baby? Maybe that's why I don't like you"

Lisa pressed her chest as if Jisoo shot her with a gun and acted as if she was about to cry, Jisoo and Rosé bursted out laughing after seeing Lisa's reaction. After wiping away the tears from laughing, Jisoo suggested:

"Shall we have our dinner at the local restaurant near our hotel?"

"Alright Unnie" answered Rosé

Lisa who is sitting in the middle turned her face facing Rosé and made a ghost face mocking Jisoo. Rosé giggled and caught the attention of Jisoo.

"Ya! Lalisa don't think I don't know what you're doing there" said Jisoo

Lisa shrugged and shook her shoulders as if nothing happened, Jisoo ignored her and took out her phone to message Jennie.

'Jennieya, can you have dinner with us?'

Surprisingly, Jennie replied immediately

'What time?'

'An hour from now'

While waiting Jennie to text back, Jisoo prayed hard in her heart:

'Please say yes, please say yes'

'I don't think I can make it, sorry unnie'

Jisoo's heart filled with disappointment, understanding that Jennie is really busy, she replied:

'It's okay, take care of yourself then, don't catch a cold, come back early'

'Okie' replied Jennie, she then sent a fan-made gif that she saved earlier which is a gif of herself shooting a love arrow which said 'love you'.

Jisoo can't help but smiled seeing Jennie's reply, she put down her phone and then saw Lisa and Rosé leaning on each other to sleep. Lisa's head was on Rosé's shoulders and Rosé's head was on Lisa's head. Both of them looked so calm and attached to each other, she started hoping that both of them could actually be together.

Jisoo took a picture of them with her phone and sent the picture to their group chat. And obviously, nobody replied her as no one was online. Finally they reached their hotel, Jisoo woke them up and payed the taxi driver, Then, all of them went back to Jisoo's room to freshen up.

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