Chapter 16

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The next morning, Jisoo was awaken by the sound of Jennie preparing for her next shoot.

"Good morning unnie" Jennie greeted Jisoo with a gummy smile

"Good morning" Jisoo replied

"You leaving so early?" Jisoo asked

"Yeah, we're on a pretty tight schedule" Jennie replied

Jisoo looked at Jennie getting ready, finally Jennie was ready to go, she took out a pair of sneakers from her luggage and was about to put in on when she was stopped by Jisoo.

"Wait! Stay right there and do not move"

Jennie stopped, confused, she asked:


Jisoo did not answer but she walked straight over to Jennie's place, out of the blue, she kneeled down and started wearing Jennie's shoes for her.

"So that I could do this" Jisoo answered.

Jennie blushed and asked:

"But why?"

"There's no why, I just felt like doing it" Jisoo said as she finished wearing Jennie's shoes for her. Jisoo flashed a big smile at Jennie.

Jennie giggled and said:

"Thank you unnie, you're so sweet"

"Alright, off you go" Jisoo said

"Okay bye!" Jennie said and then she left.

Jisoo went back to bed and sneaked under the covers. It was just a psychosomatic feeling but Jisoo felt as if the covers are all filled with Jennie's smell. She continued sleeping as it is indeed a very comfortable bed. She was about to fall asleep when suddenly her phone rang, she picked it up and Lisa's voice came through the phone:

"Unnie where are you?"

"Jennie's room" Jisoo replied

"Why?" Lisa asked

"Because there was some stupid idiot who slept on my place yesterday" Jisoo said

"Awww I wanted to be cuddled buddies with you!" said Lisa

"Alright, what do you want, I want to sleep already" said Jisoo

"What's your plan for today?" asked Lisa

"Sleep, eat, sleep" said Jisoo

"Well that's how pig lives, I'm asking you" said Lisa

"Aish I'm really tired, I'll just follow your schedule, you go discuss with Chae Young" said Jisoo

"Okie!" replied Lisa

Lisa hung up the phone and Jisoo went back to sleep.

After some time, Jisoo woke up to the door bell. She opened the door and sees Rosé and Lisa all dressed up and ready to go.

"What?" Jisoo asked

"Look at you, all dirty, go shower up, we're leaving" said Lisa

"Where?" Jisoo asked

"We're going to go to the market first, buy all the ingredients we need and cook our own dinner!" Rosé replied

"What's the point of cooking in England, you came for vacation and yet you do troublesome things" Jisoo said

"Well we thought it'd be fun" Rosé said

"Unnie! You said you'll follow my schedule!" said Lisa

"Alright then, but I'm not cleaning up!" said Jisoo

"Lazy people" Lisa said

Jisoo ignored her and went back to her own room to dress up. After a while, Jisoo was done and they went to the nearest market.

"What are we cooking?" asked Jisoo

"Egg sandwich, cranberry sorbets, fried chicken and apple pie!" Lisa replied

"WHAT? Do you have any idea what you're saying?" Jisoo couldn't believe what she heard, did that kid just lost all her senses? What kind of combination is that?

Lisa looked at Jisoo as if Jisoo's the weird one around here, she said:

"Of course I know what I'm saying duh"

Jisoo gave up trying to get the sensed out of the kid, she turned to Rosé and asked:

"Do you know about this?"

Rosé nodded her head and said:


"And you agreed?" Jisoo asked unbelievably

"What can I say unnie?" Rosé replied and she gave Jisoo a knowing smile

Jisoo shook her head continuously and said:

"How in the world can you be a chef's daughter?"

"When my mother decided to marry a chef" Lisa winked as she replied

Rosé bursted laughing and Jisoo continued shaking her head. Lisa said:

"Alright! let's go!"

And then they started their journey of buying the ingredients. It was mainly Rosé and Jisoo who picked out the ingredients, Lisa couldn't even differentiate cranberries and blueberries. It took them about an hour to select all the ingredients, finally when they got all they need, they went back to their hotel.

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