Chapter 23

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Jennie closed the doors while saying:

"They look so cute together, don't you think?"

Surprisingly, Jisoo did not answered, Jennie turned back her head and sees a not-happy-Jisoo sitting on the couch looking at her.

"Why are you not looking happy?" Jennie asked

"Why did you give him your number?" Jisoo asked

"Because he asked for it? Why can't I" Jennie replied

'Why can't she? Who are you to questioned her actions?'

Jisoo asked herself

Pathetically, Jisoo gave a faint smile and shook her head, Jennie sensing something was wrong asked:

"Is everything okay?"

Jisoo gave her a smile and said:

"Nothing, is your fever better?"

"Of course, you can feel it for yourself" Jennie replied, she grabbed Jisoo's hand and put it on both her cheeks

"See, I'm not having fever now"

Jisoo squished her cheeks and said:

"Alright, that's good, drink more water okay"

"Okai! I wanna watch a movie, wanna join me?"

"Okay, you go make some popcorns, I have to go make a call"

Jisoo replied

"Okai!" Jennie replied and she wandered off to the kitchen.

Jisoo went back to her room and texted Lisa

'Bring back some ice cream later'

'Milk flavoured ice cream'

Knowing Lisa's busy training and won't reply so soon, Jisoo left her phone charging and went out to join Jennie. Jennie was still preparing the snacks and so Jisoo started to set up the living room, she turn off the lights and closed the curtains, she then pulled out blankets and pillows from their rooms and stared pilling everything on the sofa so it's comfy and nice.

Finally Jennie brought a big bowl of popcorn and two cups of lemonade from the kitchen and Jisoo then played the disc. They choose an action movie and stared to enjoy the movie. Without noticing, their body leaned on each other automatically and it was a perfect scenario.

After the movie, Jisoo started clearing everything away and Jennie started preparing dinner for both of them and Lisa. Lisa then returned with some ice cream which had Jennie screaming like a kid. She hugged and thanked Lisa and Lisa said:

"Don't thank me, thank Jisoo unnie, she's the one who wanted me to buy this"

Jennie squealed in delight:

"Thank you unnie!"

"Just remember to drink more water ya!" said Jisoo

"Okai!" replied Jennie

Jennie prepared simple three dishes for dinner. While she continued cooking, Jisoo set up the table and Lisa went to have a shower. Everything was done around 7pm and they had their dinner.

After dinner, Lisa cleaned up all the dishes and the other two went to have a shower and changed into pyjamas. None of them are really tired so they decided to play some video games. They chose a racing game and stared to play.

Only Jisoo and Lisa played video games among themselves so Jennie is basically only losing. She ends up cheating like blocking Lisa's controller or grabbing Jisoo's hands. Both of them complained but all three of them are actually having fun. Jisoo and Lisa being competitive are scolding each other and calling each other names throughout the game. Jennie found it hard to play and end up quitting the game and sat between them waiting the ice cream that Lisa bought.

Around 9pm, the doorbell rang,

"It must be Rosie! I'll go get the door" said Jennie

Jisoo and Lisa continued with their game, they're in the final round and fighting to be the champion. Jennie opened the door and was shocked to see Jimin holding on to a drunk Rosé

"What happened?" Jennie asked

"I'm sorry but after dinner we went for a stroll at the beach and there was this guy who sells beer and she started the drink a lot of beer, she's drunk now, I'm really sorry" said Jimin

"It's alright, bring her in first" said Jennie

Rosé all drunk up started laughing and said:

"Jiminya why am I home already? I wanna drink some more!"

Jennie shouted for Jisoo and Lisa to help carry Rosé back to her room, Rosé is not heavy but she's really tall which makes it hard for them to carry. Jisoo and Lisa ran to the door and were both shocked too.

"What happened?" asked Jisoo

"Explain later, carry her back first" said Jennie

Jisoo and Lisa nod their head worriedly and started to help Jimin, Rosé opened her eyes and saw them, she then said:

"Oh Hi everyone! Why is everyone here? We got Jennie, we got Jisoo and you! Lisa! Hello!"

As she talks, she tries to walk around and she's really wobbly, they can't hold her straight and she ended up falling on Lisa's body

"Woah, somebody support her" said Lisa trying to get Rosé up straight, they tried to carry Rosé up but she started to tap on Lisa's shoulders saying:

"'s you..."

Rosé started crying while laughing, everyone was shocked and Jimin asked:

"Chae Young are you okay?"

Rosé look up to Jimin's eyes and out of the blue, she grabbed Jimin's head and kissed him. Everyone gasped and freaked out. Jimin was shocked but he did not pushed her away, Rosé's the one who pushed him away and started bawling. Jimin hugged her but then she struggled out of Jimin's arm, Rosé pointed and Lisa and shouted:

"You see that! You happy now?"

Lisa was so confused and she asked:


Jisoo and Jennie stood silently beside. Rosé turned to Jimin and said:

"Thank you for tonight, it was amazing, see you soon"

and then she blacked out right to the ground.

Jimin caught her right before her head knocked the floor, with the help of the rest members, he carried her back to her room. After they placed her on her bed, they sent Jimin back to his car, before leaving, Jimin said:

"I'm sorry for what happened tonight, please ask Chae Young to give me a call when she's awake"

"You really like her don't you?" asked Jisoo

After a moment of silence, Jimin answered:

"Yes, yes I do"

They gave him a smile and Jennie said:

"That's good to know, goodbye and goodnight"

They said their goodbyes and Jimin left. Three of them went back to Rosé's room and help her clean up. They help her remove her makeup and get changed. There were still tears at the corner of her eyes. Lisa worriedly asked:

"What happened to her?"

But no one answered.

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