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Born from the striking beauty of Charm and the cold dark of Terror, she is Maleficent. With long silky coal black hair, a slender bony figure and a stare so icy it sent the hairs on your arms to rise, she turns the heads of many. From birth she was terribly charmful, but wicked and cruel to all that knew her. When she walks past, you can feel the air around you become empty and tight, like all the happiness in the world had just melted away into nothing.

        Lost in her own selfishness and greed, Malifiecent’s only purpose was to cause pain and discomfort. Maleficent is very fickle minded. She tends to hop from place to place, hiding in the shadows where she plays the meanest of tricks on poor innocent souls, toying and twisting them for cheap entertainment. On the times where there isn’t much to do or many people to scare and taunt, Maleficent would accompany her two childhood best friends, Fear and Suffering. Together, they were the horribly perfect recipe of disaster, anguish and despair.

        Out of the group, Fear and Suffering, it was Maleficent who absolutely could not stand Wisdom and his two friends, Joy and Harmony. She hated how Wisdom would walk with that sardonic gleam in his eyes as if he knew all and saw all.  Maleficent couldn’t help but wrap her thin scratchy wool cloak around herself, hiding from his searching eyes, feeling low and selfless in his gaze. Joy and her twin sister Harmony were just as bad; tootling around, ruining all the dark and twisted fun Maleficent would ever try to have; skipping along, bringing smiles and content to all the scared and broken people who had hidden from Maleficent’s evil. Maleficent would then abandon her ugly leery shadows on the street and clamber back up on to her grim cloud that hung low in the sky, full of agony and grief.

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