Evanescent summer sun

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As I walked through the enchanting forest, I could see the once beautiful emerald green leaves now brown and fall from the hard autumn battle that was taking over. The skinny pale trees danced in the light warm breeze, the crunchy leaves on the ground swirled up like a tornado in front of me. I smiled as I watched them twirl and dance in front of me, my hair whipping around in my face as I walked on.

The sun shone weaker every day, the sickness of September was setting in. This was the last day it seemed for my summer sun. It was as if it were coming out once more to say goodbye. The birds chipped happily as if today was to celebrate. Their busy eager beaks dipped into the undergrowth, tearing worms from their homes and flying off to their nest, settling down for the incoming winter.

          This summer had gone too fast, whizzing by, dry with heat and loneliness. The black berries no longer held that plump shine to them anymore. Along with everything else, they started to melt in on themselves, soggy and drowned with a bitter tang. Everything was darkening it seemed and it wouldn’t be long before the sun would fall into the mountains as I got off the bus from school.

In a day or two, I would no longer be consumed in the summer’s warmth, but the warmth of my friends and my new teachers. Another year was now in session and another step away from my childhood that was also starting to grow older and less juicy like the black berries. Instead of lying out in the summer heat, I would be sticking my nose in books, no longer running through the snake infested grass, but running on hard ground in a gymnasium, obeying a whistle to its every screech. It all seemed too limited to what was now behind me. I looked over my shoulder to the enchanted forest. I silently said goodbye, reaching for the hard bark of an old tree.

Until next summer old friend.

          I wasn’t going to see my colorful summer playground for another six months. I was going to be strapped into a desk, words that meant nothing to me flooding into my brain.

I walked on as my enchanted forest died in the evanescent summer sun.

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