The Cello

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The beautiful cry of the cello filled the music room. Cody’s eyes were closed as his fingers danced over the strings gently and precise. He didn’t need to look at the music, he’d practiced every day for three weeks now, he knew it all by heart.


Cody’s eyes peeled open and his finger froze over the strings. He craned his neck to glare at the open door and hallway noise that now flooded in.

            “Oh—I’m sorry,” A blonde head poked up from the drum set. Cody just rolled his eyes and reached up to tune the cello.

 “Sorry, I was just listening to you play. I heard you from down the hall.”

Cody looked up. “Yeah well—” His words caught in his throat. It was Erik, Erik Point, the most athletic and likable guy in the school. He was the lifeguard at the public beach downtown.

“It’s alright,” Cody said bowing his head and staring at his music. He could feel himself blush. Sometimes being gay was annoying.

            Erik grabbed a chair and calmly sat right in front of him. “Don’t ya need music?” he asked quirking his head full of blonde hair that sprouted in almost every direction. His cool blue eyes looked curious.

Cody shook his head. “I know it by heart.” He sounded gay right there.

            “Well,” Erik said with a dopey smile that showed all of his bright white teeth. “Play something for me.”

Play something—for him?  Cody put on his best poker face. “Why would anyone like you want to hear me play?”

Erik smirked. "You may find it odd, but I take an interest in music sometimes, especially the cello.”

Cody bit his lip. It was bad enough that Erik was one of the coolest guys anyone had ever known and he was just a cello player. He practically looked down at people like Cody.

            “Fine, I’ll play something for you, but," Cody said with a smirk. "Only if you can play something in this room.”

Derek frowned and Cody wondered if he’d asked for too much.

            “Anything?” Erik asked.

Cody nodded, “Anything.”

Erik stood and wandered around the room. Cody chuckled to himself as he watched Erik wander aimlessly around the room. He wouldn’t find anything to play.


Cody looked up from his music book with surprise to see Erik standing there with a triangle.

“How was that?” Erik said with one his of his hot smirks.

Cody laughed. “You’re a natural.”

Erik straightened his red baggy hoodie that said ‘Water is my life’ sprawled over the front in white.

            “Okay, now can you play something for me?” he asked while straightening his dark jeans.

Cody rolled his eyes, “Fine.” He closed his eyes and tried to remember the notes from Pachelbel’s cannon.

            Cody started moving his fingers along the strings and a sweet melody started to hum from the cello. Cody was its master and the cello obeyed, crying it's woeful song into the room. In the corner of his eyes, Cody could see Erik watching intently.

When the song was over, Cody released the bow from its work and dropped his hand.

            “How was that?” Cody said looking over to Erik with a composed face.

Erik looked stoic and maybe even a bit paler. His eyes were glazed over and something hungry passed through them.

            “Are you okay?” Cody said giving Erik a weird look.

Erik didn’t say anything, he just lunged forward so quick that before Cody had any chance to react, Erik’s lips captured his own. Cody struggled for half a second, but Erik’s hand clutched the back of his head and held him in place.

            Was he being kissed? By Erik Point? This was unbelievable, he must’ve been dreaming. Erik was gay? Or was he just experimenting? Was this a dare? Or was he just expressing how the music had made him feel? Did the music make him gay?

As all these puzzling thoughts went through his mind, Cody couldn’t help but notice he was kissing Erik back, his hand moving to his waist. Oh, this was bad, this was so bad. As if Erik thought the exact same thing, he quickly broke the kiss and backpedaled until he tripped over a few music stands.

            Oh what have I done? I’ve ruined everything! Cody thought to himself while he watched Erik. Erik was horror struck, his mouth was gaping open with surprise and his eyes wide and scared and his face couldn’t look and whiter.

            “What just happened?” Erik said in a whispered tone. You could hear the regret in his voice

            “E-Erik, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

            “Your gay!?” Erik exploded with disbelief.

Cody didn’t say a word. Just bit his tongue. He should be asking Erik that, but he didn't say a word.

            Erik paced a bit, running his fingers through his hair. “No one can know about this.” He said sternly, “No one.” With one last confused look Erik ran out of the music room and bolted down the hall.

            Cody could only bite back the tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks and clutch his cello feeling the same resentment he’d seen in Erik’s terrified eyes.

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