Soul Eater

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“Run go run!”

Ahead of me, Lucy ran, pumping her arms along her sides, her heels clicking loudly against the cement. I was surprised she could run in them.

        I looked over my shoulder and watched as the dark silhouette glided closer, so close I could see its sharp deathly claws reaching out, and the smell of death permeating in the wind. I could feel cold on my shoulder, there was a sharp twinge of pain and I dropped, skidding on the hard unforgiving cement. With a grunt I rolled over on to my side, wincing with pain, my hands scraped and bloody.

        “Kaine!” Lucy screamed digging her heels into the cement, her scared eyes focused on me.

I shook my head and shooed her away. “No, get back, run!”

        “Get up!”

        “Go, I’ll catch up! Goddamit, Lucy go!”

I looked back to see the dark figure approaching. Hesitating, Lucy started backing away, her eyes wide before disappearing around a corner, the clicking of his heels fading. I was alone—well not all alone.

        With a labored grunt, I rolled on to my side and pushed myself up with my hands, only to feel cold hands grab on to the collar of my shirt, hoisting me up and tossing me into the air where I landed on to a car, my back falling into the windshield; sharp glass pieces wedged into my flesh. I cried out. I could feel warm liquid drip down my back. The ghostly shadow lunged at me, straddling my hips. I flailed my arms, trying to sink my fingertips into whatever crevice I could find, but I only touched numbing coldness that made my hands recoil and my body breaking out into quivers.

        “Sweet, so sweet,” the creature hissed, its dark black cloak flowing out from its body.

I cringed and tried to move, but the figure clutched its cold, energy draining, hands around my throat, forcing me to stare into its icy black eyes. It was like staring into a pit of utter nothingness, and darkness. I could feel as they looked into me, staring inside of me, gazing upon my soul.

        “This one will do quite nicely. Soul is so sweet.” The figure drew its hood back with its free hand and displayed its bald pale head. Dark blue, purple, black swirls and symbols were inked on to its skin that framed its face. I could feel my heartbeat drum through my ears and my blood turn cold.

        I cringed away when it leaned forward, his mouth opening, a rank rancid smell wafting from its mouth. I jerked my head away, but I couldn’t move. My eyes were stuck in its gaze and my body didn’t respond. Gritting my teeth together, fighting for my soul, I struggled against it, but my body was exhausted and battered. My arms fell limp and my jaw snapped open, popping my ears.

 I wanted to scream, I wanted to fight, but that was all a distant. I watched as a silver shimmering thread of my soul float from me and slither to the creature’s mouth. My happiness, joy, excitement, hope; everything, sucked up by this creature as it fed off of me. My memories, everything, it was all being sucked into blackness, my soul was leaving me. I could feel it, the slow determination of me, of all that made me was gone.

        As the last flicker of hope, happiness, and my humanity slipped away, I could feel the last of me emptied and falling away. With a sigh, I slumped against the car, coldness surrounding me, and blacked out.

        I woke up with a massive headache that slowly throbbed away as my vision cleared.

        The streets were dark and ash from the mills drifted down on to me like dirty snow. I was still stuffed into the car windshield, glass particles stuck in my skin, the blood dried on my back. I reached back and pushed myself out, the glass ripping at my sides and back, but I didn’t feel it. I felt nothing. Not the bitter cold wind, my wounds, nothing. I flopped on to the cement, stumbling, looking down to my open chest where there was a great dark round symbol that looked like a black sun tattooed on to me.

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