New Years rock

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“Kylie! C’mon you’re on in five minutes, get up to the stage!”

I jumped, my gaze flew up to the crazed looking sage manager, Steve with his headpiece all crooked and his eyes determined. I nodded an strapped my guitar around my shoulder and followed Steve who shoved me down the hall and towards the door. My stomach jumped up into my throat when I saw the rest of the band all lined open doing a quiet cheer just as the crowd outside went wild.

       “Alright, its time, go, go, go!” Steve ushered pushing each of us out on to the stage.

“Wait,” Steve said holding me back. I glanced at him funny and then looked down to his open hand that held orange earplugs. “You’ll need these.” He placed them into my hand. I nodded popping them in as I ran out on stage with my guitar strapped around me. I followed the other guitarist on to the stage as the drummer dispersed to the back of the drum set. The bass player stayed on the other side of the stage, adding the last of his tuning to his instrument. Behind me the drummer assumed his position and did a few little warm up beats before falling silent.

       I still couldn’t believe I was here. In Chicago playing with my favorite band. I glanced out to the crowd and almost fainted. There must’ve been a thousand people here. All the girls screamed and waved their rock hands in the air. My heart thumped wildly in my chest. I glanced over to the guitarist who fiddled with his strap. His black hair was tipped with red and his eyes lined with eyeliner.

       “This is awesome!” I yelled over the roar of the people. He just smiled and nodded.

I breathed. I had practiced this gig my whole life. Once every year my favorite band, Fallen Angels would perform in my hometown and chose someone to play a gig with them for one night and finally it was me. The lead singer was both hot and awesome with a heartthrob of a voice. I couldn’t screw this up I couldn’t. Every since I was young I had played the guitar and became fairly good at it, but I made myself awesome for this exact reason.

       “One two three!” the drummed cried out before he dropped a heavy beat.

My heart leaped and cold sweats came over me. The song was starting and that meant two things. One, the lead singer was about to come out and two, I needed to get playing. I glanced down to make sure I was all plugged in and silently counted my time until I came in.

       I reached down and cranked my volume just like they showed me.

Alright Kyle, this is just like we practiced for months. Remember you’re solo and for the love of god don’t screw it up.

       “Chicago!” a voice boomed from somewhere. I screamed and glanced around me in the dim lights, my hands shaking. “Are you ready to rock?”

The crowd roared and even with my earplugs in I cringed with fear. I felt like a rabbit in the eyes of a falcon. I glanced across the stage to the bass player and second guitarist. They didn’t look scared or overly excited like this was the best thing in their life, they looked like they’ve done this for years and almost look bored. Me, I could hardly contain my excitement and couldn't stop smiling.

I happened to glance up at the exact moment a figure walked out on stage.

       He was tall and lean with black skinny jeans and a black v-neck tee on. His black hair came across his face and covered his one ocean blue eyes that sparkled like a child’s. It was Jay.

       “Alright then, let’s ROCK!” Faster than I could slow down in my head, he crouched down and screamed into the mic, shaking the whole stage with his voice. The bass, second guitarist and drummer all started up and the beginning of the first song began to play. I jumped back into reality and realized what I was here to do. I got my fingers in the position they were supposed to and started strumming.

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