Every rose has its thorn

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The monitor beside my head beeped loudly and irritatingly. The white room smelled clean and fresh like it had been cleaned over a hundred times. The T.V hung on the wall on Ellen DeGeneres while she interviewed the cast to T.V show I didn’t know. I lied back on my white pillow, the white sheet brought up on my chest. I glanced down at my white casted arm that was broken in three places. I just sighed through my close. I couldn’t move my jaw because it was wired shut.

          At first when my parents saw me crumpled on my own doorstep, all I could hear was my mother screaming, pulling me into her arms as my father raced back into the house to grab the phone calling the ambulance. One broken arm, a broken jaw, sprained ankle and a concussion, the doctor was suggesting I go into witness protection, but that wouldn’t be necessary. I was surprised that my parents hadn’t even asked if my boyfriend had done this.

Because he did.

          Evanis wasn’t like any other boy I’d ever seen or had been with—well he was my first. He didn’t mean to do this, he had actually meant to hit his brother, Lucas, but I had gotten in the way.

But why do you have four different things wrong with you? You ask?

Well that’s because Evanis is a werewolf. His amazing strength in trying to plow his annoying and ruthless brother in the face with his fist missed and collided with my face. Evanis hadn’t even noticed he’d hit me he was so mad. He just swung and took off after his brother that quickly leapt to his feet and ran out the door, leaving no attention to me.

          Lucas was Evanis’s younger and more of a rascal brother who got into trouble whenever he could. He was in some trouble with the werewolf council, by breaking the biggest law which was slaughtering humans. Evanis only wanted to talk some sense into Lucas and to tell him the council was looking for him, but like always he had to mock and smart mouth him. I remembered the dark flare in Evanis’s eyes as he charged off after his brother. I cringed inwardly. Evanis never scared me, but now that I knew what he was capable of, I couldn’t help, but become a little worried.

          “Haley?” a nurse with a quiet timid voice said.

I looked up form my pillow, rolling my head over to gaze at the doorway where she stood. I went to answer, but remembered that I couldn’t talk.

            “You have a visitor,” she said looking over beside her where Evanis stepped through, his shoulders hunched and his eyes full of hurt darting over to me.

I swallowed, my heart rushing blood quickly through my veins. My head felt light as the inside of my mouth went dry. The feeling I always got when I see him.The nurse looked from me to Evanis and back to me before leaving the room with a quick and almost uncomfortable smile. Evanis looked over his shoulder as if he were making sure she was actually gone before slowly meandering over to my bedside. His hands were shoved deeply in his front pockets of his dark jeans and his shoulder rode up to his ears as he stood uncomfortably.

            “Hey,” he said without a smile, without anything. He just stared at me like he was waiting for me to explode.“Haley, before you say anything,” Evanis said, his voice ragged and rough like the edge of a broken blade. “I am so sorry; I didn’t even realize that I hit you. I would never hit you.”

I could hear the grief in his voice and the sincerity. His light blue eyes stared intensely at me and he shifted weight from one foot to the other. He reached up and scratched the back of his head, ruffling his dark black and blue hair.

            “I understand if you’re mad at me or—even scared of me.” The corner of his mouth twitched up. “But won’t you say something?”

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