I'm gonna like it here

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“Is it still too late to turn the car around?” I asked dully as I played with the window button in the car, rolling it up and down.

Dad gave me a sideways look and rolled his eyeballs. “It won’t kill you to stay with grandpa for a couple weeks. It would do you some good to do some work out on the farm. When I was growing up, working on the farm was a part of the daily chores.”

        “Please just throw me out of the car right now,” I groaned as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Dad chuckled as he sped on to the dirt road, dust flying up behind the car and coming through the window, gagging me. I pressed my finger down on the window button, rolling the window up as I glared out to the open fields were the workers with their straw sunhats were bent over with rakes and baskets, picking and planting. This is what would be ahead of me for the next few weeks.

        “Oh god this is going to be horrible,” I said as dad drove up in front of the house and parked. “I’m going to get so sun burnt.”

He quickly flung his seatbelt off, and jumped out of the car, dusting himself off and adjusting his sunglasses. “C’mon Candice, come say hello to grandpa.”

I glared through the window shield as a man in a wide sunhat, blue plaid tee; khaki shorts and high knee white socks came out from the house and stood in front of the car. He greeted my dad with a hug, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and squeezing him tightly. With a heavy sigh I shoved the car door open and jumped out, slamming the car door hard, making the car rock. I glared through the sun as I marched over to them with arms crossed over my chest.

        “Sweat pea!” grandpa said as he held his arms out for me.

I walked over to him forcing a smile and fell into his arms, his old man cologne crawling up my nose. I winced and pulled away, sneezing into my arms a couple times until all I could smell was freshly cut fields and dirt.

        “It’s nice to see you too gramps,” I said dully.

        “Candice was very excited all through the car ride to come and stay with you, pops,” dad said flinging his arm around my back and squeezing my shoulder comfortingly.

        “That’s wonderful; I have all sorts of chores for you to do. Its great you came Candice, the extra hand around here is really needed. There are lots of horse pens that need a little TLC if you get my drift.”

I smiled, mentally gagging.

        “Well,” dad said clapping his hands together. “I should probably let you guys get all settled in.” His arm dropped from my shoulder as he jogged back to the car grabbing my bags and handing them to me.

        “These are for you, and I guess that’s it.” He sighed, biting his bottom lip like parents did when they were leaving their kid at school for the very first time. “I guess that’s it, I have a great time sweat pea and call me if you need anything.” He ruffled my hair and kissed my cheek before bounding back to the car and pulling out of the driveway in a blink of an eye.

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