Boys will be boys

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Boys are mischievous and creative unique creatures. From their bulging Adam’s apples, to their boxer shorts that stick out playfully from their low riding skinny jeans. Sometimes we wonder how they’ve survived this far, or how sometimes we wished they hadn’t at all, but when you catch them just right, they’re beautiful.

       “Hey, Max, can you pass me my glass right there? Max—earth to Maximus!”

I jerked out of my day dreaming to see Claude twisted around, his one hand outstretched, waving trying to get my attention and the other clutching his wireless Xbox controller. I reached behind me on the bedside table and grabbed his glass that was heavy with ice and Pepsi that jiggled and clinked all in the glass as I passed it to him.

       “God, where we you, planet nine?” he teased as he took his drink from me with his long piano fingers and tipped the glass up to his Valentine pink lips taking a quick drink and setting it down beside him, not trusting me for a quick drink delivery again.

       “Sorta,” I mumbled as I leaned back against his bed, settling on my back.

       You know those moments where you just close your eyes and hope that this bubbly happy feeling never fades? Like the adrenaline rush after going a ride you never thought you’d go on, or a jump scare you never saw coming? I felt it. I felt it continuously run through my body like the rainbow colors of a spinning wheel that you saw when your computer was frozen.

       Let me break it down really quick. There was this guy, who had the craziest blue eyes anyone had ever seen and the cutest haircut I’ve ever wanted to run my fingers through. It was boyish and a light brown with bangs that were swept to the left. And his eyes were so daring and bright up against his olive skin. The fact that I was even breathing the same air as him was a bit exhilarating. I’d never been much of one of those girls who screamed at cute guys and scribbled my name with their last name in my journals—well maybe sometimes, but that’s how you scare them off, but not Claude. It was like he saw through all the nervous spills of drinks on my shirt when his stare made my fingers weak or the times when I walked into doors or opening lockers while staring at his face, intently hanging on to every worse that came out of his perfectly shaped lips—god I needed to focus.

       I never knew if he knew how much he made me feel like a helpless sheep in the clutches of his wolfish grin.

    But I was so friend zoned. To him, I was his friend; just a friend and it drove me crazy that he would ever put me in such a tempting position. There were many times I almost just lost it and grabbed his face smashing it together with mine.

       But I had to stay cool.

Keeping the thought of him suddenly coming to a fantastic realization that I was his perfect match in my mind, it kept the crazy fan-girl me tucked away inside, so I seemed like a normal human being. Not this weird female creature that dwelled on the poor innocent souls of boys. In the back of my mind I wondered if he intently teased me. Knowing he was absolutely gorgeous, and I couldn’t help but drool in wanting. I sighed.

       “Hey, what are you sighing about up there?” he called, not taking his gaze off of the screen.

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