Chapter 7

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-Chapter 7-

"Why didn't you come here with your parents Corinna?"

Lucia asked, as we were seated at the dinning table. Lucia Sinclair is the women who welcomed us inside and the woman who was there in the hospital when I woke up. Also the luna of the Riveter pack. Also, Colton's mother. Yes, the Colton who I'm mates with. The Colton who is sitting across from me and fuming, for some reason.

"Just because." I replied to her question, shrugging and taking a bite of my meal, which happened to be rice and steak.

"Okay," She said giving me a look.

I gave her a smile and dropped my head to my plate, continuing my meal. Just to avoid a certain somebody's gaze.

"Hey, Corinna?"

I looked up to see Kayla, who was looking at me with a look I couldn't decipher.

"Yes?" I asked, raising a brow.

"I've been meaning to ask you something for sometime now. Can I?" She asked with the same look.

"Sure.." I drawled, dropping my spoon in the plate and crossing my arms against my chest and leaning back against the chair,"Whatever is it that you wanted to know?"

"Uh.." She cleared her throat,"Do you wear colored lenses?"

"Seriously?" I gave Kayla a look, who was smiling at me cheekily. I looked around the table and saw everyone's ears perk at her question.

I scoffed inaudibly, everyone probably heard me though, with them being werewolves and having super hearing and stuff, " No Kayla, I do not wear colored lenses."

"Oh," she said dropping her eyes to her lap, " Sorry, I just thought that...since you're eyes, they're just so unique and beautiful and a very beautiful shade of blue. I don't think I've ever seen anyone with such beautiful eyes before."

I grinned at her slowly, resting my chin on my palm as I looked at her,"That's okay, I get that a lot. Thank you for the compliment Kayla. I appreciate it. I didn't know you admired me so much though."

"No!" She spluttered out,"I mean....yes...but no.."

"So you don't?" I asked teasing her further.

"What!? No! That's not what I said, or meant..." She said frustrated.

"Shut up." She huffed as the adults chuckled at her flustered behavior.

I grinned at her as she looked at me again and then quickly averted her eyes.

"She's right though Eve," I turned to Lucia as she spoke to me," Your eyes are really very uniquely beautiful."

"Thank you." I smiled softly at Lucia as she complimented me.

"Just like your father's." Edmund, the alpha and Lucia's husband said.

"Yeah." I smiled, "Just like him."

"You are a lot like him." He commented again, "How are your parents anyway? It's been far too long since we last met them."

"They're good." I replied with a smile, "Pretty busy in their businesses I guess."

"Too busy they don't have time for their own best friends." He sighed, shaking his head.

"Well," I said pursing my lips, "How about, the next time I talk to them, I'll be sure to mention you. I'll definitely say how much you all miss them."

"Do that," he nodded, pointing his spoon at me, "Also be sure to mention that I'm very mad at your father and he better be prepared to bear whatever i throw at him cause he is going to go through hell and back before I forgive him."

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