Chapter 5

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-Chapter 5-

"You're going to the mall with me today."

"I am?" I asked Suzan, who was standing next to my locker with her hands on her hips. I think she was trying to be intimidating, but obviously, she's not. She is as intimidating as a little bunny.

"Yes!" She huffed,"Homecoming is in two weeks! And we don't even have dresses yet. We have to go. Today. No more delay." She said giving me the I'm-gonna-strangle-you-if-you-refuse-so-don't-even-think-about-it stare.

"What makes you think I don't already have a dress?" I said, giving her an annoying smile.

"Well, do you?"She asked raising a brow.

"I don't know. I mean, I usually have a lot of dresses in my closet. Actually, I have all kinds of clothes in my closet, considering my mum is the one who stocks it. So I probably should have one, at least. But, since I came here without my mum and so she's not the one who stocked it, Arabelle did and I didn't bring a lot of clothes with me so.. maybe I should have 3? I don't know, maybe. But-"

"Yes," she interrupted me, rolling her eyes, "I keep forgetting you are the daughter of a famous billionaire and a fashion designer. But you don't look or behave that way."

I smiled sheepishly, "Yeah I know. I get that a lot."

From the corner of my eye, I could see the everyone in the hallway staring at us. Probably because of how loud Suzan was talking.

"What are you all staring at?" I snapped and everyone went back to doing whatever they were doing.

"So do you or do you not have a dress?" She asked again. Still very loud.

"Can you talk slowly? Everyone is staring at us." I told her giving her a look.

"So?" She said, raising an eyebrow, "Shouldn't you be used to all the attention anyway?"

"Oh my god." I groaned, running a hand down my face, "No! I am not used to it because I usually avoid it!"

"Well, answer my question!" She sighed, "Do you have a dress or not."

"Ughh," I groaned again, " No I don't have a dress! So I guess we can go to the mall and I'll help you pick one. And I'll get one for myself as well. I'll ask Joseph to drop us off at the mall straight from school so we'll have plenty of time to shop. Okay?"

"Okay." She nodded her head in agreement.

"I have a doubt though?" She said as we started walking to our next class, "Why do you have a driver? Can you not drive?"

"Well, firstly, it's because he was told to drive me around and secondly, yes, I cannot drive." I answered.

"Why?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I never learned to?" I answered sheepishly.

"Well, We still have two hours of school. How about, instead of going to class, I can teach a little bit of driving?" She said stopping in her tracks.

"No." I said in a voice that had no room for arguments, "Let's go to class."

"B-but why?!" She stomped her feet like a little kid and whined.

"Suzan, you're not a child. So stop behaving like one." I said, giving her a mean look, "Now let's go to class."

Grabbing her hand, I dragged her to the next class which was right around the corner.


"So you and Colton, huh?" Suzan asked as she took out took two dresses from the rack,"which one?"

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