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Surprise! I didn't really think about doing an epilogue but I decided, What the hell. Why not? And, and, and, I do have a little surprise, which I hope I will be reveling soon. I'm excited! Are you? 


Hunter's idea of fun dates was taking me on missions and having me watch him carve out his victims. The clean up was not fun. But, sigh. He is over a hundred years old, I guess he doesn't know that normal fun dates do not include murder. Which is why I told him the next date we go on, I will surprise him. He did not like it, but has to deal with it. Just as soon as I get settled into my college dorm, though.

Yes, college.

As much as I did not want to go, my mother dearest- both of them- are forcing me. My future is very...confusing, with my two heritages. I might be Havoc and Uma's biological daughter, but my mom still gave birth to me and I spent most my life believing I was my parents' daughter and I would succeed them in one way or another. But now? Now everything is uncertain. I don't know who or where I will be in a few years time. A part of the council like my parents are or... a queen? That is an absurd thought. I am not fit to be queen. Whatever. All of this is why everyone though it was best if I went to college, give it some time and think it through ans then let fate run its course.

Seems like a good idea, but I have no idea what I want to do. For now, I opted for English literature. Maybe I will change it, maybe I will keep it.

For now, I am content ogling my boyfriend haul my heavy belongings up to my room. A few bags, a mini fridge, my desk, etc. This is my idea of fun.

"All done." Hunter declares, standing in the middle of my suite, hands on his waist as he admires his work.

"Thanks, babe." I walk up to him giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek. I smile as he groans and gives me the side-eye. "Don't." he warns.

I smile innocently, "Don't what? I'm not doing anything."

He shakes his head, snaking an arm around my waist as he pulls me closer, and I smile, wrapping my arms around him.

"You are a minx." he whispers, bending his head and brushing his lips across mine. I sigh, pressing my lips tighter against his, again and again. "But I'm your minx."

"All mine." he growls, pulling me tighter and we get lost in bliss and each other for the next few minutes.

I sigh, pulling away and look up into his eyes, those glowing eyes I fell deep into. "Hi."

"Hi." he chuckles, giving me one more soft kiss before pulling away. I groan and whine to which he laughs more, "You need to settle in and besides, isn't your roommate coming in soon?"

I groan once again, "Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that. I hope she isn't a brat."

"You are a brat." He smirks at me, slapping my butt as he goes out the door to get the rest of my bags in.

"No I'm not." I glare, turning towards him as he brings in everything else.

"Your entire family and all your friends would agree with me, Corinna." he grins at me, shaking his head, "Anyways, this roommate, when are they coming?"

I scoff at his earlier comment and reply, "Dunno, she's late."

I hope we get along because I know next to nothing about this girl, despite everyone running background checks on her. She's a ghost. Seems kinda suspicious, but we'll find out soon I guess. As soon as she gets here.

"You need anything else?"

I smile cheekily, "Just you."

He rolls his eyes, "other than that? And besides, I'm living near by so there's nothi- Oh, hey." he looks at someone behind me, calculating gaze and fake smile on.

I spin on my heels to look at the one who snagged his attention-my roomie, probably- to find a petite girl standing in the doorway, her bag clutched in her hands and the rest her things kept somewhere outside. A hesitant smile graces her lips as she looks us over, her hands clutching the straps of her bag tighter.

Hunter comes and stands next to me, folding his arms across his chest, ever the intimidating figure.

"Hi." she says, her voice small and strangely melodic.

I smile wide, hoping to come off as friendly to this scared little doe like girl, "I'm Corinna. Are you my roommate?"

"I guess so, yeah." she nods, her voice barely above a whisper.

"This is my boyfriend." I jab my thumb towards the glowering man next to me, "Ignore him, he always looks like he wants to kill someone."

"He has weird eyes. Glowing eyes." she says, tentatively looking towards him before her gaze darts to me again.

"I know, he's special." I grin again, "Anyways, come on in, I was just came too. This entire suite is ours. There's two rooms down the hall, the kitchen is over here to my left, and we can set up our living room here. You got any furniture?" I pull her in and give a mini tour, she focuses her entire attention on me, ignoring Hunter. I want to laugh, but the poor thing is already scared.

"I do." she replies to my question, "It's not here yet though."

"Okay," I nod, "We can set up after I guess. He I didn't get your name?"

She smiles at me, and damn, she has a pretty smile, "Iris. Iris Quinn." 


That's the end, I promise. Okay, bye. 

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