Operation Sunny-D

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I walked into math class still mad and holding back my tears, ever since I heard Beckett say the truth nothing's been right. I turn and looked at the board.

Math Project due 9/15!

And on top of the Beckett drama I have a math project and i'll probably be with someone who I don't like or talk to.

"Class," the teacher begins, "As you can see there is a project and the partners are Beckett and Vanessa. Miles and..."

I roll my eyes trying not to show how upset I am, and I see Beckett furiously tapping his fingers on the desk, meaning he's stressed out. I would be too.

"And Kieth and Jaymee. Okay I want to see a map, that we can graph, 3d so it is interactive."

"Hey whos you get?" I say whispering to Miles.


"Wanna switch?"

"I'm good."

I turn and face to the person next to me without looking at their face.

"Hey who'd you get?" I asked.

"You idiot."

I look up and see Beckett. I forgot he sat there. I mouthed 'ok' and leaned back into my seat. I can't deal with this, of course I like him he's Beckett Bradstreet. We worked for a bit, but didn't say a word, until I sighed very loudly. 

"What now?" Beckett said tensed up.

"Am I not allowed to sigh anymore?"

"You can do whatever I don't care anymore."

"But you used to."


"You probably are still in love with me Beckett it's okay." 

"Vanessa, shut up."

"Make me," I said standing up. He stood up too and kissed me, woah I did not expect that, I stood in shock for a minute then kissed back. Once we pulled apart we saw the entire class jaw dropped, ad our lovely teacher writing detention slips. 

"Meet me at the quad, at lunch. Go alone," Beckett whispered.

"Are you going to hurt  me now?" I giggled.


At lunch I walked to the quad but this time holding a stick, just in case he tries to hurt me again. Then I hear someone laughing, but not just laughing, DYING LAUGHING, like rolling on the ground laughing. 


"I'm so sorry you look ridiculous," he says laughing. I drop the stick and walk over to him and punch him. 

"What was that for?"

"Laughing at me." Then I punch him again.

"What was THAT for?" he says.

"Kissing me."

"You're very abusive, you know that right."

"Whatever, why'd you need me?"

"Ok so I was thinking, maybe we could be a fake couple."


"Okay everyone thinks we're in love right?" he says.

"Sure, but mostly you in love with me."

"Okay shush. Ever watched To All the Boys I Loved Before?" 

"Only 7 times," I say bouncing up and down, "Are we making a contract?"

"Yeah, but B and V style."

"You are NOT putting a  hand in my back pocket!"

"You only wear leotards anyways."

"Alright let's just make this list," I say rolling my eyes, "But how long will this challenge last?" 

"Two days?" Beckett  says. Two days, maybe something will come out of it.


Our list looked a little like  this 

-Beckett will drive me to school

-We have to be dance partners

-We have to text every night

-hang at lunch

-hold hands

-play a competitive game

-have a long talk


It wasn't much, but I didn't want to seem I liked him a lot too, even though he and every other person probably thinks that now. Thanks to TMK a picture of me and Beckett kissing blew up.

"Add don't kiss me," I say to Beckett. He looked like he was about to say something back, but he stopped himself and added it to our list

"Wait what competitive sport, and it better not be baseball," I said.

"Lacrosse," he replied.

"Now why lacrosse?"

"Peter played lacrosse."

"We're having a 1v1 in lacrosse?"


"Get ready to be crushed," I said laughing.

"I used to play lacrosse, so HA." 

"I'll still win! So HAHA."

"What should we call this little operation?"

"Um nothing?" I said confused. 

"How about Orange juice?"

"How about Sunfower?" 

"How about Sunny-D?!" he says, acting like he found the mystery of the universe.

"Operation Sunny-D is a go," I said, but in my head I thought 'Operation make Beckett my Boyfried is a go."


A/N Okay you guys this agreement contract thing was about To All the Boys I Loved Before, but it also happened in real life, guess who's not single anymore?

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