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"So today we are going to continue the practice of Romeo and Juliet," Ms. Helsweel announced as I walked into class on Monday. I've done my best to avoid Beckett and C but they were in my class and Beckett was my dance partner. 

"Today we'll be working on a hate dance, but it has nothing to do with the play. I just want to see how you all can comprehend with this topic."

"Vanessa knows that topic very well," Beckett said with C laughing. 

"Then you won't have any problem to dance with Ms. Morita, Mr. Bradstreet?"


"I have a problem," I said raising my hand, "Beckett here constantly berates me and I feel as if he's trying to bully me."

"Is that so?" 

"Yes ma'am."

"Then Beckett you will be with Ms. Christinziano and Vanessa you will be with Ms. Cato." So I still get  caught up with someone I'm fighting with. I followed Carly to the separate studio where we worked in silence for five  mintues. 

"I'm sorry, is shouldn't have assumed anything," I said starting off the conversation.

"You know Beckett was  hurt? You know Beckett wanted to run after you? You know Beckett's been trying to get you to realize what you mean to him?" Carly said raising her voice with each question.

"I don't know what to say."

"You never do, and who was there for him when he wanted to get you to understand or who was there for him when he felt  like shambles at the dance because his date ran away because she thought I was flirting with him? Tell me Vanessa? Who's there to clean up your messes and help the people you hurt?"

I couldn't look her in the eye because see spoke the truth, Carly's always been there for me.

"You're right," I said after what felt like an eternity, "I'm not grateful, I have trust issues, and I see the worst in people. You know I want to be at the top, no excuses."

"And now you're sounding like Cassandra."

"I think this dance works perfectly with us because right now I'm hating you."

"Same here."

"Let's get this over with then you can go back to Beckett," I said waking away, but not before I felt a hit on my arm.

"What did I do to you? I don't get it. You won't accept your feelings for Beckett, so I do. And when I do I'm the bad guy. Have you ever thought that he's done chasing? And think about it no other guy would guy above and beyond to see you smile, so be quiet Vanessa because you've had everything handed to you on a silver platter; the solos, the friendships, and the boys," she said.

I couldn't even look at her anymore and said, "Let's dance."

When we were called back in we volunteered to go first and hate could be used to describe it, but I guess it was good enough to leave Heslweel speechless.

After our duet C went to Beckett and I sat on the bench alone, when the doors opened interrupting Sasha's routine with Anna. In came Miles. 

"Hi, Ms. Helsweel, I'm Miles Lennox," he said shaking her hand, "I'm here to get Vanessa, our teacher needed her for a demo."

"Go," she replied and I ran off with Miles. 

"Thank you for taking me out of that torture zone."

"Anytime. Let's go I'm in a group with Jax and we could use any visual representation and I chose you." Once we got in I saw Jax on his phone I walked over to him and snatched his phone.

"Kit huh? And you know we shouldn't be using our phones I could run you in," I said mischievously. 

"Come on Vanessa, if you do I'll let the secret between you and Beckett out."

"What secret? If anything is happening it's between me and Miles," I said pulling Miles in for a kiss. We kissed, and it wasn't weird for the rest of the dance session I provided for them. We ended with an applause from the rest of the class.

"Let's get to math V," he said grabbing my hand pulling me out of the classroom. 

Becknessa & Veckett (The beginning)Where stories live. Discover now