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I walked off from the center and brushed by Beckett to get to my place on the barre.

"Woah move" he said rather loudly.

"Get out of my way."

"There's only room for one star and it's going to be me."

"Woah there Bradstreet I'd calm it down." I smirked and walked away. He looked back and it didn't look pretty more like the Devils look.

"Mr. Bradstreet." He walked to the center and did an emotional dance really powerful more than mine. I guess I had a look on my face because Carly can me up to me and she looked very concerned.

"V what's up with you."

"Him, it's like he's trying to one up me."

"Bradstreet?" He finished and Mrs. Helsweel complimented him.

"Results will be posted at lunch. But there will be an upcoming performance to showcase the arts given at Keaton and I will need a duet, the top two will preform it together. Dismissed."

"I don't think I did too bad Morita," he said with a wink. I rolled  my eyes and gathered my stuff. next class math where hopefully I can get away from him. 

None of my friends are in math class except for Miles from the music department, so I sit beside him.

"Hey V."

"Hey Miles I missed you," once I said that Beckett walked in, "never mind".

"You didn't miss me." Miles said in his sarcastic offended voice.

"I missed you, just not him," I said pointing to Beckett's direction. He noticed and he winked back. I fell back into my chair and put both hands on my face.

"New kid?"

"And one upper. And  my biggest competition."  Bradstreet made his way over to my section and stood towering above me.

"Anyone sitting here?" he motioned to the desk beside me. 

"Unfortunately not." 

"Hey I'm Miles," Miles reached across to shake Beckett's hand.


"This could be our group 'The Triangle'" Just as Miles said that I thought of love triangles.

"I like that man"

"Okay get off of my desk" I stated just as Mr. Mitchell walked into class.

"Alright class first lesson of the year is about triangles," he  smiled and rambled off as I was dozing off thinking about triangles. Love triangles.

Becknessa & Veckett (The beginning)Where stories live. Discover now