4 Words

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"So what if it is the truth?" I screamed to Carly, as I entered Keaton on Monday. I arrived and not even 30 seconds in I get confronted by Carly about Beckett and his feelings. But of. course I don't care why should I? He's a big boy why can't he control his emotions like one? 

"Well you should  let him know that it is the truth, not just keep running away from every problem or situation you encounter."

"Problems? Running away? No, I'm doing what's best for my heart and for what's best for my well being."

"Well being my ass," Carly muttered, "If he's bad for you then who are you going to end up with? And didn't you say you liked 'bad guys'?"

"Not physically hurt me bad!" 

"Hurt you? When where, besides hurting your feelings."

"Um the day he made me sprain my ankle." 

"Well. Never mind. I don't have any words for  that."

"Exactly and  plus once a bitch always a bitch." 

"Vanessa, did I hear swear words?" Principal Durani said. Why does he have to be here at the wrong moment again? He always is and of course he couldn't show up when Carly pulled out the 'A' word.

"Yes sir, I'm sorry I just got a little bullheaded with my emotions." 

"Well, you know the rules I must punish you. You're skipping dance and instead writing an essay about why we should not swear in school at the computer lab with another student doing the same."  I walked away from Carly and headed to the computer lab. Who could've pulled out another word? Sasha? Jenna? 

I walked into the classroom and saw the monitor turned on with just a line written across the screen. I noticed that the bathroom pass wasn't there and thought the student was probably in the bathroom that or skipping this, but they have a time limit believe it or not. So whoever it is should be back in about 7 minutes. I set my backpack down on the floor besides the desk and sat at the monitor where my other buddy should be joining me any minute. 

The door opens and I turn and see Jax walking into the class handing the bathroom pass to the teacher and heads over to my direction. When he notices me he waves and turns right to another desk with a monitor. If Jax is there then who sits here? Another silent ten minutes go by without any sight of my seat mate. I lower my head down for a few seconds when I hear the door open yet again and Durani's standing at the entrance along with Beckett. 

"I'm sorry he's late Mrs. Weaver Beckett just had to talk with me and his mother about his recent behavior," Durani says. And Beckett struts right to my side and closes his eyes and breathes in really slow. Then he begins working without one glance or word said to me, I mean not that I was looking or anything. 

After 3 minutes of the college old shoulder I drop my pen that I was clicking and it lands right under Beckett's seat. 

"Thank god," Beckett mutters as I bend over to reach under his seat to pickup my pen. 

"Excuse me?"

"Thank god you dropped that stupid pen, that clicking noise is so annoying." I put the pen right up by his ear and start clicking it up and down furiously about twenty times before he grabs my hand. 

"What the heck? Let go of me!" 

"You know what I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you!" 

"Really now it's my fault what did I do now?"

"My recent behavior Durani and my mother had to talk about was how I acted Friday when you walked out and how early I cussed at the person who started talking about you." 

"So let me get this straight. It's MY fault that you can't keep your feelings professional?"

"Professional?" he scoffed, "I think you're forgetting that were in 10th grade and 15."

"Actually I haven't forgotten and exactly what's your point?"

"You're acting as if our whole life is riding on this moment in high school. Professionals don't care about 10th graders."

"You know as well as everyone here whatever you do here is what gets you a career, or maybe you don't. And maybe you don't care what your future looks like, but listen up. I'm not going to let you or my feelings towards you to get a career of what I love."

"Woah there feisty, and don't you ever realize that maybe if you didn't have any feelings towards me, you wouldn't have flipped out of the numerous times we've talked. You would've shut me down, ignored me, and avoided me?"

"Are you suggesting that's  what I do?"

Beckett huffs and laughs for a bit, the type of laugh that someone does when they're about to say the truth or walk away. 

 "I don't care anymore Vanessa, I've spent too long on a middle schooler who won't accept any of her feelings," he said turning off the monitor. 

"I can too accept my feelings and trust me they're gone," I said kind of whiny like a third grader.

"Fine if you can accept your feelings then look at me right in the eye and say, 'I can't stand you'" 

I sat with my mouth slightly opened and started the sentence while lookin into his eyes. But every time I looked in his eyes I felt hurt, like why am I hurting this guy who's only ever been nice to me hurt. 

"I ca-" I started, but ended once my eyes met with his then I looked down to the ground accepting defeat. 

"That's what I thought Vanessa," he said slinging his book bag over his shoulder and walked away to the other side of the room. I turn to see Jax with his phone out recording the whole thing. 

"I can't stand you," I say to Jax. 

"Oh so you can say 'I can't stand you' to me, but you can't say it to a boy who you claim to not have feelings for? This could mean one out of two things... you're either in love with me or in love with him."

"Nope and nope."

"Well if you can say four words to one guy, but can't to another. It means something. Just like it did in middle school."

Becknessa & Veckett (The beginning)Where stories live. Discover now