Miles or Beckett

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Beckett didn't show up to school on Thursday or Friday. And honestly that was fine by me. Less Beckett, less distractions. The only bad thing was that Beckett wasn't there to practice our dance, so we never got the full version.

"Um Ms.Hesweel do you know where Beckett is?" Carly asked one day.


"Okay," C said turning to me, "Are you not worried?"

"Umm why would I be."

"Because he might not go to the dance."

"And? If anyone should be worried it should be you, you're his date."

"Not anymore, he did it as a stunt, for you."


"Look V, you have feelings more than competition."

"But he knows, I told him."

"What did he say?"

"I cut him off before he could answer," i said looking out the window.

"You know what though? You're doing that thing again."

"What thing?"

"The thing where you look out the window when you try to make everyone believe you're not hurt but you are."

"Yeah well, i don't know," i said running off. It's the end of the day anyways.

"Hey V," i turn and see miles running up besides me.


"So the dance."

"oh yeah..."

"Do you want to go with me?" I thought about this. Miles isn't Beckett, but he's cute.

"Yeah sure," I said.

"6:30?" I nodded and walked away

when carly caught up with me.

"I'm coming to your house at 5:00 BE READY."

I walked to where my brother parked and got it.

"Rough day?" he asked

"No," I said looking out the window.

"You're doing that thing again."

"What thing?"

"The thing where you look out the window when you try to make everyone believe you're not hurt but you are."

"You sound exactly like CARLY," I said running into the house.

I stayed in my room for the rest of night and in the morning I was awoke by carter who was holding a tray filled with bacon and eggs.

"Look i'm sorry about yesterday and you don't deserve any person who makes you feel bad."

"Thanks Carter."

"And look," Carter said giving me a box, "I got you a necklace for the dance tonight."

"It's great," I said hugging my older brother knowing if all goes bad in the world at least I have him.

"Now have a great night."

The rest of the day I watched chick flicks and eating ice cream when I got a call from C.

"Why are you acting like post-breakup? ice cream? chick flicks"

"First of all. Ice cream is for any occasion and second of all I didn't break up with anyone."

"Okay well I'm coming in 3, 2, ,1" And my doorbell rang just as she said one. I rushed down the stairs and opened the door to see a girl hauling 3 bags of makeup, shoes, and dresses.

"Let's get his party started!"

We changed into our dresses, did our hair, and took some pictures. I didn't really try because I wasn't really there to impress anyone, but you know it's all good.

^C's Dress

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^C's Dress

^C's Dress

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^My Dress

"So who are you going with?" Carly asked.

"Miles," I said fake smiling.

"But you want Beckett."

"Honestly, I don't really know anymore."

"With him being gone I know it made you think, every time Sasha lifted you when it should've been Beckett, you remembered him."

"I hate that you're right, " I said then I walked away smiling and headed back to my room, with Carly following me up. It was 6:25 Miles and Sasha should be here any minute.

"So, are you exci-" Carly started but was interrupted by a knock on my front door.

"You go ahead I need to get my bag ready," C called out. I walked down the stairs and when I opened the door it wasn't Miles who I saw...

It was Beckett.

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