The Joker to My Batman

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Vanessa's POV

I watched Beckett run off. I didn't bother going after him. There was no point it would seem I'm chasing him. So, I just went back to class.

"Where's Beckett?" Sasha and Carly say both basically punching on me.

"Um well hi guys. I just went to the bathroom and yeah," I said kind of hurt they were only concerned about Beckett.

"Cool bathroom. WHERE'S Beckett?!"Cee screamed.

"Ms. Catto!" Ms.  Helsweel said raising her finger to her mouth.

"Running down a hall," I said without a care in the world. 

"Where's he going?" Sasha asked.

"How should I know, one minute he's yelling at me the next he's sprinting down a hall. And don't bother chasing him let him run from this problem. Like he's done with the rest."

"You have feelings for him don't you?" Cee said putting her hand on me.

"I have more feelings for a fly," I said stone cold. The bell rings and  I stand and walk out the doors headed to math. 

I enter math noticing someone is already there. Miles and Beckett leaning over my desk. No way was I dealing with him today. I put my stuff down at a table in the far back away from the two. The entire class they looked at me and I caught a few words from their conversation.

Miles: What's up with V?

Beckett: I don't know.

Miles: You two have a fight?

Beckett: I don't know

Once class ended I went to my locker where a note dropped out.


Hey Vanessa, 

So I know what I said earlier was stupid, but can we talk. Maybe? If so I'll be waiting at the picnic table where I took you when you fell.

- Beckett


I wrote a note to him, since we technically can't be on our phones during school. Then gave it to Sasha with strict orders to not open it and to give it to Beckett immediately, no questions asked. I watched as Sasha ran over to the blonde guy giving him the note and running back to me.

"Hey what did the note even say?" Sasha said out of breath.

"No, we can't talk. I'm sorry but you can't just expect me to come back when you hurt me, yelled at me, and made me feel bad. Maybe later. Vanessa."

"Dang" I then turn and see that Beckett is obviously mad he threw the note and stormed off, to where me and Sasha were.

"Oh hell no," Sasha said pulling me with him, "We are not facing his wrath."

Sasha and I ran through the the school, I bent down for a second to catch my breath. And when I looked up I saw the Joker to my Batman, Beckett Bradstreet.

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